I just realized I haven't written about school since OrgLead wrapped. I kinda should have, considering the new semester started in the middle of my self-made vacation. (It was hilarious trying to get out of Pop for that, let me tell you...)
Today I picked up my grade from last sem for OrgLead. 96! (The highest being 100.) I feel this is the best grade I have gotten in my university career! If only one could just finish their degree at Disney U instead of taking random classes.
This semester I am taking just one class: Marketing You. It is aimed at people who don't know what career path to take, and it is also "how to get a job" help.
According to this class, a lot of finding the right job for you is about Knowing Thyself (I swear she capitalizes it every time it's on a slide), like, the kind of person you are and thus the kind of job that would make you happy, and my professor likes to do that with tests and self assessments.
I'm not entirely convinced of how useful these things are. I really like structure and checking little details (as hard as this is to believe) so that's how I self assess, and then it comes back with all these jobs that are incredibly boring and/or that I'm hideously underqualified for. I'm not just talking "I don't have a degree" underqualified; I'm talking it's telling me to be an accountant or something when I haven't done a math class since I was sixteen.
And then I take the test for the kind of job I should have so that I feel fulfilled and all that jazz. It's an interests based one: "I would be interested in working with my hands, spiritual needs, writing poetry, driving a truck." I felt very strongly about most of it and had over half "strongly disagree" answers; it was great.
Naturally it comes back telling me to work in performing arts. Or creative arts (writing, pottery, etc).
"Would you be interested in those jobs?" asks my professor.
"Yes, but I like to eat," I told her.
I know I had
that huge post about entertainment being absolutely necessary worth it, but, you know, I don't want to just freeload off my family and/or hypothetical wife/partner/flatmate/bff all my days. I want it, but but but. God, I wish I could stop flipflopping. (Stop jandalling? Stop tsinelasing?)
I'm sticking with this class, though: Job hunting tips, probably credit for pretty damn cheap ($24 for materials and my textbook is about $12), and I love the professor. Her name is Penny and she has been with the company for thirty years: "That's longer than any of you in this room have been on this earth!" For someone who's looking to retire in the next five years she has attitude, and she has really infectious charisma. And what I really love is she doesn't set us anything she hasn't done herself.
Also, there is an Aussie in this class. Finally, someone on the same program as me in a class; someone to bitch with Penny starts spouting off about "you're not going to be at Vista, Chatham, or Patterson more than three or four months" - excuse me, my program is a year. Guy from Melbourne working seater in full service food.
One downside about this class, though: OrgLead had a few big assignments. Marketing You has lots of little ones, which somehow manage to be more annoying, probably because they're due every week.