Nov 27, 2009 22:30
- 23:33 Today I discovered how to make my near-mullet look presentable. Clearly I should keep using @Skins' Naomi Campbell as my style guide. #
- 00:32 I've been craving Torchwood lately. Without the cheerier-than-CoE-but-better-than-season-1 season 2, I'm resorting to the radio plays. #
- 00:34 LOL the lines I never noticed on my first listen. "Where's the Weevil?" "It went into the Bay." "... Can Weevils swim?" "Apparently not." #
- 00:40 "Ianto Jones, Ambassador for Wales. This is my wife, Gwen. :)" heeeeeee #
- 00:46 oh man, Gareth David-Lloyd's French :D #
- 00:51 "This is no job for the Ambassador for Wales." X) ... "It's dark." "And cold." "Is Ianto moaning?" "Ohhhh yes." #
- 00:54 "Cold... Damp... Underground... I could've stayed in Cardiff!" #
- 01:06 "Everything we've seen: Torchwood. The wonder of the universe. And we're gonna die in a tunnel. In Switzerland." #
- 01:28 "Ianto, you'd look hot! Sideburns and a Mexican moustache? A little seventies roleplay! :D!" oh Jack. #
- 02:01 After CoE, The Dead Line is kind of heartbreaking. ;_; #
- 14:26 A IN FILM, A IN FILM! I'm so pleased! I expected my HSM3 essay would be lousy seeing as I didn't manage to get much research into it. #
- 17:40 The Gurren Lagann AMV to I'll Make a Man Out of You is so much more inspiring after having actually watched the show ;_;/:D #
- 18:59 Me, singing: o/` I HEEEEEARD it through the grapevine, OH I'M JUST ABOUT TO LOSE MY MIND! o/` My sister: You have a mind now? #
- 19:33 #glee! Kurt's sequined shirt is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Aw, Brit and Tina are so cute right now. #
- 19:34 BOYHOWDY #
- 19:35 "Dishonesty is FOOD to a marriage; it will DIE without it." #
- 19:39 "The more times she storms out of rehearsals, the less impact it has." #
- 19:40 "Thanks, but I already have a date to the prom. But I'm flattered! I know how important dancers are to teen gays." "I'm not gay D:" #
- 19:41 *dances rather. Finn is the best doomed gay crush ever ;_; #
- 19:45 That was some REALLY EFFECTIVE editing when they blocked out what Quinn was saying :O #
- 19:49 "Now isn't this just lovely and normal." #
- 19:50 "I'm living in a cocoon of horror! ;____;" #
- 19:52 "Must audition with Celine Dion song of your choice." man, Rach ACTUALLY does the BEST auditions #
- 19:53 Eeeeeeee ballet!Rach ADORABLE #
- 19:54 "What does she HAVE on you?" #
- 20:00 OMG TINA! <3 I totally had her pegged as an alto from her audition but she is actually quite a pretty soprano. #
- 20:02 "Did you know you can just borrow books from there? All of them! Except for the encyclopedias." #
- 20:06 "I knew it: YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH KURT." #
- 20:06 "You make a habit of sleeping with your boy's girlfriends?" #
- 20:07 "I felt fat that day" ;_; #
- 20:12 LOL I love the band #
- 20:14 AWWWW KURT "Dad! Dad! \\o! \\o! I told you! :D" #
- 20:16 Holy god, they got GOOD at Single Ladies. #
- 20:24 "All you wanted for your birthday was a pair of sensible heels." #
- 20:24 best dad ever ;_; why couldn't my mom be like that #
- 20:24 ... blanky ;_______; #
- 20:26 "Give not being homeless a try!" Dx;; #
- 20:28 AHAHAHA THE PREVIEW. "You know what we should do?" "Elope?" And CHENO! #
- 21:12 Okay, I'm pretty apathetic on Mika (Hype Aversion), but I have to admit he's a DAMN good performer! #
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Major Depression:Moderate
Bipolar Disorder:High-Moderate
Cyclothymia:Extremely High
Seasonal Affective Disorder:High
Postpartum Depression:N/A
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fandom: torchwood,
school: film,
fandom: glee,