I'm a Twit

Aug 20, 2009 22:30

  • 01:49 I can see it now: This essay is going to put off my study for my Latin and Spanish tests and I will fail all three. #
  • 10:36 I dreamed that intelligence had discovered someone was bombing Wellington, and I was conscripted. That was scary. #
  • 13:17 Spanish class is doing imperatives. Spanish teacher: What's a situation so we can come up with some commands? Me: YOUR CAKE IS EXPLODING #
  • 15:36 Uh-oh. I'm at that weird stage where you're doing less pressing work (Latin) to procrastinate the most important stuff (essay/study). #
  • 16:10 Latin-related stunt of the day: Saw Sophie, chased her down, pounced, bounced out of the pounce and crashed onto a convenient couch. :D #
  • 17:11 Oh thank god I'm not the only retard who falls asleep in film, though this one fell asleep in LECTURE not film screening. #
  • 17:24 Oh, great, a film I was planning to write my essay through is subbed. #
  • 18:15 ...Dear opera lecturers, what kind of grade is !/100? #
  • 18:26 twitpic.com/ekbhn - This is what I mean: What the FLYING heck? #
  • 18:36 Oh, squee! Faye Wong (hello knowledge of her existence only because of FF8) is in this film! #
  • 22:15 I just spent way too much time trying to define "girl next door" with scholarly references rather than TV Tropes. #

The film was Chungking Express. It was cute.

ladycariad has clarified for me that the exclamation point grade is it needing grading.

Essay essay.

life: dreams, school: opera, school: latin, school: film, school: spanish

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