Some time after we were let onto exam leave last sem, my time management skillz have gone to pot

Aug 13, 2009 23:25

Opera bibliography assignment due tomorrow; I realized this on Tuesday. The instructions on the submission area on Blackboard were unclear (the course outline includes the vital (bolded) words "select one of the two essay questions below under Essay 2"), so I ended up starting it for the wrong essay (ie. the essay due next Friday, not the one below). And only realized this now.

(What is with this assignment, anyway? The two questions to choose from are on readings and shit we aren't doing until next sem. I would much rather do the essay on one question on restaging but without having done the reading/seen the screening yet I've no idea what to research and chuck in the essay, so how the hell can I do a bibliography and evaluate my sauces for it? The other question is much easier to research but at this stage I've no intention of doing my essay on it.

Also, it looks like my epically bad start to the sem's blog posts and thus never quite catching up has screwed me over for the entire portfolio. You're twenty-one hours late on one of those things, you slip down to a C; what's a few weeks late? Is 15% of the final really worth my trying to catch up on them? Is this portfolio actually a course requirement?)

Spanish AV test tomorrow. I have been completely flaky on Spanish this sem. At least this is on my smarter day of Spanish class: I'm always completely rubbish in the Thursday class because it's my first class of the day so I'm only half awake and it's the first class of the week so I probably haven't looked at anything more Spanish than Facebook in just under a week; I tend to work a bit better on Fridays.) My flailing over the opera thing means I haven't studied or so much as thrown on a Pokemon movie with the Spanish dub on.

Film group presentation of a twelve shot storyboard on Monday; meeting with the group to confirm our parts tomorrow. My flailing over the opera thing means I haven't actually done much towards this, though at least I should be able to color stuff in the opera screening tomorrow.

Squishy is hungry and I don't actually feel up to going to the store right now.

Kill me now.

(On a note related to my mood: I can't help thinking that if I'd found something, anything hard at primary school, my first reaction towards hard stuff and bad time management in high school and now university wouldn't be "I AM IN DESPAIR!! THINGS WILL NEVER BE OKAY! FAILURE AT LIFE FOREVER!")

EDIT: The final cherry on top of my sundae of fail: Last night on my way to bed I dropped my phone somewhere. Searched for it then and this morning, before giving up and going to uni.

Turns out it was in the deepest depths of my bag (it is like a freaking camping bag that's how huge it is) the entire time.

school: opera, school: film, school: spanish

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