ahhhh wtf number of tracked prompt communities has gone up to TWENTY

May 14, 2009 22:30

  • 23:17 AHA: I'm flailing so much over the THEA test because I'm too used to NCEA papers covering only ONE thing, not one for EVERYTHING. #
  • 00:44 Man, LJ's COPPA procedures have gotten hardcore since I turned thirteen. bit.ly/jTve #
  • 11:03 SWEET! A something on Latin project! #
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A-, that is.

Theatre test went okay: I was able to answer the required x out of y only BSing two little bits. I'm just worried it wasn't enough. "Briefly discuss" is very vague.

New LJ layout by tirwen_star03 while I twiddle my thumbs contemplating making my own header image for one of the numerous other layouts I have memories'd: tormentacorazon. I think if anything I'm a bit annoyed by the lack of easy edit, tag, memories, track links on each entry on the recent and friends pages. It'll do for now; I'm somehow not in the mood for the bright cute layouts right now.

Randomly: I wish it were possible to merge two tags, or to change the name of a memories tag. I get that memories is supposed to be one of LJ's archaic systems now, much like S1, that, but tags don't let you keep bookmarks of other journals' entries and that seems to be primarily what I use memories for.

Watched season four volume two of Doctor Who tonight, from The Sontaran Strategem through to The Unicorn and the Wasp (that said, I only got halfway through Wasp before we had to leave). Must've been fun for Freema playing clone!Martha. Luke is still a dick but you have to feel for him by the end; incidentally I still think Ichijouji Osamu would have grown up to be like him had he lived past eleven. I adore how the minor characters that are more than just cannon fodder are always given a bit of personality (the two cloned!UNIT soldiers prior to cloning, Ross, Martha's Hath buddy) are actually given some personality, and how the main!minor characters, character of the day, I guess (Luke, Jenny), are always played by quite stunning actors. Like, the BBC doesn't just go for hot (hey hey Gossip Girl I'm looking at you); they go for solid performances (Luke's physical tics :D). And could Jenny be any cuter. I think that's what I enjoy about playing her: She's a kid in an adult's body and she just wants to find out about the world. Of course, this is what leads to most of her posts being broad questions.

Big broad question that isn't as broad as Jenny's: Anyone know what Zefron's attached to now? Or what anime are getting Westernized live action movies now? I don't know what to believe any more. Zefron gets attached to every adaptation or remake.

1. Who are you?
2. Yay! How long have we been RPing together?
3. What was your first impression about our RPs? (i.e., were you nervous, intimidated, disappointed, impressed, amused, annoyed?)
4. First characters we played together?
5. Most amusing scene from one of our RPs?
6. Most depressing?
7. Sappiest/most romantic?
8. Cutest couple from our RPs?
9. Cutest friends?
10. What's your favorite character that I play? Why?
11. Least favorite? Why?
12. Something you'd like to RP/see happen in an RP with me at some point (no matter how random!)?
13. Name a song that reminds you of one of our couples/one of my characters and why you chose it.
14. Anything in particular that makes my style of RPing stand out from others'?
15. Anything I could improve on?
16. Character of mine you'd like to see more of?

In other news, apparently the number of comments I've posted is over nine thousand.

school: theatre, school: latin, fandom: doctor who, rp: digital_dive, fandom: digimon adventure, glp

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