- 22:37 @ soapy412 OH GOD TV TROPES #
- 00:25 Stalking through hmd_meme; the amount of "be more active" concerns me and makes me wonder what I'm thinking trying to app at ME. #
- 02:10 I stayed up till 2AM doing maintenance on a post people rarely look at. #
- 12:11 Mamma Mia is coming to Wellington in October! SQUEEEEEEEEEE. #
- 12:12 @ JeniOctavia Jaffas = candy; chocolate balls with an orange candy shell. and I got a mini bag of them for $1! #
- 15:04 @ soapy412 I am just glad that you're not linking/copypasting it #
- 15:09 @ soapy412 I wish all Tropers were like you #
- 15:46 Enjoying The Comebacks on Sky Movies. #
- 16:41 HELL YEAH! I just found my sunglasses! This is excellent; my goggles are really useless in the sun! #
- 17:40 Watching WarGames: The Dead Code on Sky Movies. Too amused by the main char's Stargate: Worlds wallpaper. #
- 17:59 How come 1337 haxx0rs in movies never use proxies? They're supposed to be so 1337; you'd think they'd have common sense! #
- 20:04 OMGWTF?! My Latin teacher is FINALLY using Blackboard!! #
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LoudTwitter I saw the Wild Duck's performance of Hedda Gabler at BATS tonight. It's a really arresting production (I spent quite a while trying to come up with an adjective and this seemed to be the only one that fit). It's been translated so well to modern day Wellington.