1) What was your FIRST video game console?
The original bricky Nintendo Gameboy.
2) Name a few games you played on said console.
Super Mario World 3 and Tetris. I also got Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Jeopardy with it but I was crap at them.
3) Excluding handhelds, how many VG consoles do you own presently?
Screw that, what's wrong with handhelds? Eight including the computer.
4) Were you a Street Fighter nut? Any character in particular?
5) Do you think Capcom is a F---ING awesome company with kickass character designs?
Yeah, like I've played Capcom since I was twelve.
6) Here's the scenario.. You had some friends over and you all ate FRIED CHICKEN! After the meal you all decide to play some video games. As your friend reaches for a controller you notice his/her hands are very "greasy." Are you the type that would insist they wash their hands before pawing the controller, or is it no big deal?
I'd only insist on wipe, not wash.
7) What's your favorite RPG/Action RPG?
The World Ends With You.
8) Do you prefer 2D games or 3D games?
3D. >_>
9) Are you an SNK fan?
10) Are you good at DDR?
Nah, I don't get enough practice.
11) Who wants to kick that dog's ass from Duck Hunt?
Oh god yes.
12) Have you skipped out on important events in life because of video games?
Preball ftw No.
13) Do you listen to video game music?
TWEWY~ And the various vocal songs from FF8 through to X-2 and Kingdom Hearts.
14) Have you ever cosplayed a VG character?
Sadly, no. I have no money, all my cosplays are closet and so I can't do anyone with Improbably Cool Clothes.
15) Have you ever been in an arcade playing a fighting game, KICKING ASS, and then some 6 year old Asian kid comes in and OWNS YOU??
...I'm Asian.
That said, I don't play fighting games in arcades. :P Mostly just various Time Crisis sequels and DDR.
16) Name three games you would love to see remakes of if it was done properly.
17) Mario or Sonic?
Mario, hands down.
18) When a movie shows up in the theaters, let's use Spider-man as an example, are you likely to buy the GAME version?
19) What is your LEAST favorite genre of video games? (ex. fighting, sports, shooters, etc.)
Strategy. I'd probably just throw the kitchen sink at enemies and wonder why I'd get pwned from behind.
20) Is there a game out there that you feel was unique and didn't get enough love?
Golden Sun~
21) Have you ever verbally abused a game because you couldn't beat one of the levels and/or bosses?
Only with Troy screams.
22) Do you own any VG apparel?
Please see the aforementioned "too poor" card.
23) What are your thoughts on the live-action Super Mario Bros movie?
Haven't seen. I may have read the TV Tropes page for it, though.
24) On that note, what did you think about the live-action Street Fighter movie?
Haven't seen.
25) Who's hottest out of the KOF chicks?
Ask me about DOA!
26) Do you say "old-school" a lot when you're having a VG conversation with others?
27) Have you ever lent someone a game and they returned it to you damaged?
Not a game, but Chris killed a key on my DDR mat. :[
28) Do you own any imported games?
29) In this scenario, let's pretend you're going to get a video game tattoo! What would you get and where?
The TWEWY Player Pin on my shoulder. Because a timer on my hand would probably drive me nuts with its...stationary-ness.
30) Have you ever cried after you beat a game? If so why?
No. Because I have never beaten a Hey, I've beaten handhelds and a couple of fighters...
Premiere Elements 7 is a lot different from CS2. >_> Damn school making me think I'm rich.