List the first ten series that come to mind. Your friends will comment with the character from each series that they think you are most like. Remember this is who I'm most like, not favorites!
Uh... Meme doesn't say it has to be a TV series.
01) High School Musical (no Senior Year spoilers D:)
02) The World Ends With You ($5 on a sequel)
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2) TWEWY - Shiki, hands down.
5) Digimon - Er, Ryo by association, even if I never actually got into the season where he was *in* the story. Adventure 01 and 02 ftw.
6) Golden Sun - Kraden, lolz. Argh, damn, it's been so long since I finished this game... Ivan, maybe?
7) Narnia - Lucy, I think.
8) Harry Pottter - Cho. Except good characteristics of Cho, I think. book!Cho, too, not ugh movie!Cho.
9) Heroes - Elle, who is frigging awesome.
2) [sews you clothes] So who's my Eri? :O
5) What the hell, you're the second to pick Ryo by association. Pick an Adventure person!
6) LOL KRADEN. I quite like Ivan. The shy snarker.
7) W00t Lucy.
8) I did a really bad cosplay of her for the DH (I think) release.
9) Constantly seeking paternal approval? :(
1) No, you're a musical whore. :D
2) Uh, whoever does design. D:
5) Joe/Jyou?? (I think that's the Japified one) DDD: Nah, prolly... crap, I can't remember half of them. Whoops. That guy in the third season, I think, the one with the Terriermon. (... yes, I said I didn't watch it, I maybe got through half of that season...)
9) No, just badass and really does want to do good things, it's just sometimes they bite her in the arse. :D (see: massive self-electrocution from the first/second ep of the 3rd season)
5) ...I'm constantly sick? :[ Heh, Henry in the dub.
9) ...I am badass? :D
5) I just realised I copied the person above me with my Digimon one. Henry = Jenrya. >.> But Chris agreed with my lol!Joe suggestion.
9) In a fashion. :D
5) What, constant study? :|
9) Yes, I am very badass! (I love that ad.)
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