Wtf, why can't I log into FirstClass? I NEED TO E-MAIL MY TEACHERS WITH "WHAT DO I MISS"

Jul 15, 2008 21:21

I'm sorry, Urban Angel, but Forever 21 is my new favorite shop. It's like Valley Girl but with more intense sales. $5 T-shirts, score.

Loot from the last few days of practically living at Palisades (yay for cousins working there):
  • Two T-shirts (white scoop neck and green V-neck)
  • Woollen cardie-thing
  • Havemercy - Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett (YESSSSSSSS THANK YOU BARNES AND NOBLE. Fellow Shoebox fans, want to borrow once I'm back? Please form an orderly line~)
  • M-W rhyming dictionary (god I'm such a nerd)

    Still no Data Squad in places my cousins have actually heard of. :|

    Lots of cousin bonding tiemz lately. Around the piano, board games (Apples to Apples is srsly good times), shopping (duh), Nintendo 64 harhar. I epically fail at Mario Party, and I'm reeeeeeally rusty on Super Smash Brothers. However, I have learnt that as you're sitting down in a Japanese restaurant on Salmon Tuesday is not exactly the best time to announce that actually, you don't eat sushi and you've only ever seen your sister eating chicken sushi. Whoops. XD; The girls seemed so excited about it; I didn't want to crush their joy!

    Epic Kuya Joey quotes, part un:
    Kuya Joey: "YES, IT'S VERY NICE!"

    Part deux:
    Mom: "Your great great great... How great was she?"
    Kuya Joey: "Oh, she was awesome!"

    I keep stalking this eBay auction because I'm tragic and kind of want to bid on it while I'm actually in the country they ship to D:

    With all the vids my cousins have on Facebook of their performances, I've decided I ought to start uploading similarly. (Well, this was partially brought on by Tito Dito (I'm not kidding) asking me if I had any vids on Youtube and I was like "er...just a bad film I made for class and a really bad music video me and my friends made for an Avril Lavigne song when we were bored". Actually, I just realized that's a lie; there's also the Rangers ad we made a few years ago.) Now I just need to grab some...
  • video games, family: cousin bonding tiemz, life: performances, life: shopping, fandom: digimon

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