I got tagged by
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1) I hate being forced to share food.
2) These days I don't often brush my hair. With this haircut and my hair's [shake shake falls back into place] thing, fingercombing it looks exactly the same.
3) Despite the amount of camping I've been doing lately, my idea of a pleasant experience with nature is bumming around in a park or on a patch of grass in the middle of a city. (For example, I am fond of the Parliament lawn.)
4) I just lost the game. (I've been losing it a lot lately.)
5) While watching a series, playing a game, or reading a book/manga, I'll stop to take notes (observations, quotes, et cetera) on characters I like or find interesting in case I ever end up writing them. (WHY CAN'T I EVER DO THIS IN SCHOOL???)
6) Ever since I've known what cosplay is, I've wanted to cosplay Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII.
7) I really want a street map of Tokyo...for fandom purposes. [sigh]
grace_face48, and
I've been playing the RENT soundtrack so much lately that Raeann's starting to learn it. Dad has banned her from singing La Vie Boheme, and with good reason; but I still find this unjustifiably hilarious.
AVG error message: "Test cannot be started because it already does not exist." And we all thought Tita Dindin's England was great! :D
Seeing more people at school has made me more bitter about the straight A's in English and the AM in media.
I was meant to come to school in house colors on Monday but turned up in mostly gray. So I hereby declare the gray house van Dyk after Irene! Plus, then everyone can call it the dyke house for teh lulz.
...I miss Brittany and Toni.
Pushing Daisies is so bright! Midget Kristin Chenoweth amuses me.
Thank you to ladycariad and mad_as_soup for my lovely Europe presents ♥