Sudden idea to swap photography for [called art, but essentially graphic] design. Bzuh? At least I'm drawing up the appropriate pros/cons list before making up my mind. In terms of numbers, photography is winning out; in terms of sense, graphics is. Thoughts, anyone?
I have a camera all lined up
I kinda like photog
Digital will be a lot less angst-inducing than manual I'm half-lousy at photog
Half the time I don't really like it anyway
I've seen design folios and I can do that stuff
I've always been more likely to enter a career in graphic design than photography
Can we say 'experience'? I've been paid for web design, I've been using Photoshop for years, I was freaking helping some of the design girls when it came to folio crunch time last year. I haven't actually done art since third form and my brain-hand-eye coordination can be sort of lousy
Suddenly swapping subjects will mean a lot of angst on course confirmation day
Is Year 13 really the year to take up a new subject? I'm already doing this with science.
Hmmm, maybe I should actually wait to decide on this until I get my folio NCEA results back. At least I'm not seriously thinking of dropping myself into drama again. I mean, I still love the stage, but that class was a popularity contest.
Also thinking of downloading Trillian as a way to get around my ph33r of AIM, because more people in hogwarts_elite and my RPGs use it than MSN. This may be somewhat pointless considering my current track record of MSN lurkage, but. What are your experiences with Trillian?
In other news: Holy crap I love UBC, it actually has the minimum requirements for New Zealand. How many other non-New Zealand colleges have that? (That's totally an invitation to throw websites at me.)
...okay, just found one: The University of Colorado wants you to have your Sixth Form Certificate. Whoa, they're behind the times! Note to self: Inform Tita Chi-chi. also crap, they want a 3.5 GPA and my current one is 2.9 Anyway it doesn't seem to have my currently preferred majors anyway. unless I suddenly decide I'm going to do theatre
UBC: First year arts, dorming - $30,300CAN = $39,592.32NZD right now
VUW: ...I'm assuming an arts degree is humanities and social sciences - average $3720
Massey: BComm in arts or business (imagine me in a business degree!) - $3976
None of this includes airfares to the non-New Zealand places or books.
...I had other unis bookmarked on Ignition. Damnit.