Title: Binary Fission
What: Gilmore Girls crackfic which naturally crosses over into High School Musical and RPS
Rating: W (for "WTF is a K rating")
Words: 389
Summary: The first time Jess watches High School Musical and he and Dean meet the characters. Written for
30_cracks using theme something or other) the first time.
Notes: ..it was Chris' fault. I cannot be held responsible.
The first time Dean made him sit through High School Musical, Jess thought he'd taken leave of his senses.
The first time Dean made him sit through High School Musical, Jess thought he'd taken leave of his senses. Dean, on the other hand, was totally excited about HSM, because he hadn't seen it in two hours and was suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
Jess actually planned on sneaking out the window while Dean attempted to dance. Luckily for Jess, before this, Dean sealed the window, so alas, Jess ended up watching Dean's attempted dancing in horror.
But it got better when the HSM cast jumped out of the screen.
"AAAAAARGH," Jess shrieked like a girl, attempting to run out of the room. Which was sealed.
Jess did not want to be involved in the song and dance.
Gabriella brought up a valid point. "Your like or dislike is irrelevent, we have Zac Efron."
"What's so great about this Zac guy, anyway?" demanded Jess.
"That's a good question." said Sharpay.
"I've always wanted to know the same thing," added Ryan.
"If only we knew," cried Chad, who was totally unpopular because no one liked him.
Dean didn't even bother adding to the conversation, being too busy fangirling over the actor in question. Zac just smiled, and winked suggestively at everything, including the seats, which sighed.
This was probably because all the extras had just sat down on them, despite the fact that the cast vastly outnumbered the seats (which were multiplying through binary fission). Taylor was fascinated, and attempted to study them. She had time to do this as she was also super unpopular and no one wanted to talk to her.
Jess, on the other hand, still wasn't getting any answers.
But then something strange happened! Music started playing and everyone was happy and started dancing, even Jess, who had sworn he would not get involved. He danced with Dean, because there's a lot more partner dancing in this movie, as well as topless main characters, which Chris notices all the time.
"It's what I do," remarked one of the narrators.
Then Dean and Jess made out, because it was appropriate. Gabriella, being homophobic, attempted to run away screaming; unfortunately the room was still sealed. Everyone cheered for the usual continuity, and until they ran out of oxygen, food, and water in the sealed room, they all lived happily ever after, especially Zac, because Chris is obsessed. The end.