Today I asked a pigeon at the station, "So what train did YOU just get off?"

Aug 13, 2007 19:51

English destroyed my soul. Most of the questions were exactly the same between text types: Something about setting and theme, and about techniques showing a character's inner feelings (WTF, man, WTF), and something else that I can't remember. As such, I kind of sat around staring at the topics for a while.

Extended text: The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood) - bla bla structure bla hold your interest from start to finish
I managed to go on about Latin in this one, what the hell. I was all "the story starts in media res...a convention of epic poetry" :/ I feel like I didn't quote enough, but there just wasn't the opportunity with this question. Also, I was somewhat vague and might have screwed up, I have a feeling it started with a flashback. XD Oops. Note to self, read book before real exams. (It's been about a month since I read it.)

Short texts: Fleur Adcock's "A Message" and "Knife Play" - bla bla techniques bla bla help you understand a theme
More Latin. I declared classical allusions was a technique and started going on about gladiators. Totally relevant, as one of the lines was "less than a gladiatorial show", but still somewhat embarrassing. The thing about "A Message" is that I'd chucked it at Chris last night to try and help me explain how symbolism helps you understand the theme, and he...interpreted it completely differently. As such, his interpretation was the one that stuck in my head and I ended up using in the essay. Surely I will earn "WTF, Caryl?"s from Ms. Pidduck on this one.

Visual/oral text: The Crucible (dir. Nicolas Hytner, starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder) - bla bla bla techniques bla bla emotional response
No Latin on this one, music nerdiness instead. I have the feeling I didn't drag it back to the theme enough, but at least it was detailed. I also have the feeling I was talking out of my ass about the music because I actually haven't seen the film in ages and I can't find the scenes I write about on YouTube. Oh well, I always talk out of my ass when music is concerned.

Media trod on the shreds of my soul. Ms. Rigby had been solidly preparing us for "discuss how money and/or legislative requirements are important in the relationship between a media product you have studied and its target audience" and "describe one representation of your group. Analyze how, with reference to at least two media texts, this representation is created and explain the messages and values that emerge from this representation". Guess what we got? Quotes thrown at us that we were expected to discuss in relation to adapted versions of the above questions. No one was prepared for that. (But we were prepared for dinner.)

So I think I BS'd my way through the audience ("Campbell Live") essay alright, quote and all. I didn't relate the quote so much on my representation one, and it started turning into a bit of a rant on how Lost and Delirious and My Summer of Love are gross misrepresentations of lesbians and giving everyone entirely the wrong idea and bla bla bla. Someone's going to have fun marking that. Also I tend to get too plotty in my representation essays. Hm.

Apart from that, today has been a (cold) day of embarrassing Chris. In the morning, I handed him his uniform a Glassons bag, harhar. In the afternoon, we went and leaned casually on Platform 9 3/4 at the station.

Me: "Oh no, it's not letting us through!" :O
Chris: "If you keep saying that, we're going to stand over there." [away from the Platform]
Me: "I think it's locking us out!"

Let's face it, I have no sense of shame.

I was going to watch the fourth Digimon movie subbed today in celebration of having done the two biggest exams, but alas, I don't have the codec and so I have the sound but no visuals. What's the point, it's in Japanese.

Also: Why have I been writing so much poetry lately? Three in the last two days. Honestly, surely I don't have to write about every nerdy metaphor/theft/pigeon.

Speaking of writing though. In the weekend I rejoined the Pit of Voles to both pimp out my Digimon Tamers fanfiction and distance myself from my old account. XD And already someone has reviewed and favorited the story I chucked up! I am amazed. :D And the review says:
Honestly? My first thought after finishing this was about how unbelievably and utterly cute this whole thing was. The voices of Jenrya and Ryo are pretty much down pat, and the two have an intensely awesome interaction. You've succeeded in bringing a smile on my face. I'm looking forward to more works, be they Ryo x Jenrya or otherwise, from you.
I made him smile :D

Oh, and a shipping meme!

Six Ships I Like: mmmmm, obscure pairings and disparate fandoms.
1. Jenrya/Ryo (Digimon Tamers)
2. Zacharias/Lavender (Harry Potter)
3. Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
4. Sirius/Remus (Harry Potter
5. Ivan/Mia (Golden Sun - okay, that's two obscure fandoms so far)
6. Ash/Misty (Pokemon, kicking it oldschool since 1999!)

Three Ships I've Abandoned:
7. Squall/Quistis (FF8)
8. Ivan/Sheba (Golden Sun)
9. Yolei/Izzy (Digimon Adventure 02)

Three Ships I've Never Liked
10. Joe/Mimi (Digimon Adventure 01)
11. Rory/Logan (Gilmore Girls)
12. Selphie/Zell (FF8)

Two Ships That Have Piqued My Interest:
13. Sharpay/Zeke (High School Musical, more the stage show)
14. Seamus/Dean (Harry Potter)

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Rory/Logan)
Logan's just not good for Rory, okay :$

2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Sharpay/Zeke)
...Janella? Chris? Anybody?

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Luke/Lorelai)
Crap. I am not actually in GG fandom and missed several seasons before the finale so I am going to have to pull this one out of my ass. Or I could just run with the next question?

4. Which is your favorite episode for #1? (Jenrya/Ryo)
Heh. Errr, probably Goliath. I'm not allowed to like my favorite fic for it though. :$

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Ash/Misty)
Since the beginning, hello. :$

6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Ivan/Sheba)
There was a bit of "zomg are they siblings?" involved, but even when this got thoroughly disproved in TLA it still didn't seem to sit right with what you learn about Sheba in TLA. Anyway, Ivan/Mia = MFEO unrequitedly.

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Zacharias/Lavender vs. Sirius/Remus)
Wow, the only two in that category from the same fandom. Argh. I think I'll just say Zach/Lav and run.

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Joe/Mimi vs. Rory/Logan)

9. What interests you about #14? (Seamus/Dean)
I haven't seen a lot of it, but they always seem to just work together. Sorry I'm so vague on ships. Something about their dynamic together, and they sort of fit together because neither of them really fit in.

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Squall/Quistis)
I dunno, really. Probably too much Quistis/other people.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Yolei/Izzy)
Nah. Too many other good ships in Adventure 02.

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Ivan/Mia)
I didn't musically ship back in the day.

13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Hm. Ash/Misty started my shipping, I always seem to read Sirius/Remus (or Sirius and/or Remus in any other combination with James) when I'm bored/feeling down, after years of OTPing Ryo/Ruki I suddenly like Jenrya/Ryo. I don't know. Sorry, cop-out answer, I know.

14. Which do you dislike the most?
Rory/Logan. [sigh]

15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
After much consideration, I have decided on Zacharias/Lavender and Ash/Misty. Moohaha.

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Zacharias/Lavender)
Totally. No, I don't like.

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Sirius/Remus)
No. :( Welllllllll...actually yeah, I suppose, if Tonks isn't as annoying/OOC behind the veil.

18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Seamus/Dean)
A sudden change in my attitude towards shipping. I'm pretty passive-agressive.

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Zacharias/Lavender vs. Ash/Misty)
ASH/MISTY ALL THE WAY. I've been invested in their ship way too long to just let MAY WALTZ INTO HOENN WITH ASH. BRING BACK MISTY.

school: latin, poetry, the pit of voles, lj: memes, friends: chris, fanfiction, mocks, shipping, school: english, mad skillz: writing, media studies, fandom: digimon tamers, school: music

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