What I go on about in this entry makes me sound like I'm about twelve again

Aug 01, 2007 19:29

I have received a Level 2 math workbook of stuff I need to learn if I want to do stats next year. (Ironically, it's Jade's. [Of course, teal Sophie {I am only calling you teal because there are three Sophies on my flist and I need some way of differentiating} is the only one who knows why this is ironic.] I had no idea she'd left.) I have not yet looked at it. I was intending to do so tonight. Ah well.

[Digimon nerdiness]
What I have been doing for my lack of homework and procrastinating of studying is reading old Digimon/Pokemon crossover fanfiction. I'd forgotten how damn good Digicross was! And how freaking awesome my character was! (I'd tell you, but that would really be spoilers.) That reread inspired me to go and download Digimon episodes. Dad is most bemused by my downloading multiple 70MBish files a night. Oops. And of course watching things again, and reading and posting equally old unfinished Digimon fanfiction inspired me to go and write Digimon slash. I don't know what came over me. However, I have noticed that I seem to have an odd aversion to Digimon femmeslash, and that Ryo, Ruki, and Jenrya (Japanese names in fic ftw) seem to be my digital answer to Remus, Sirius, and James - I ship them in any and all combinations. Well, except as a threesome, but I really, really like them as a triangle.

Yesterday was the music department (I didn't get to the media thing in the end) lunchtime concert at Old St. Paul's. Pretty fun, bigger audience than I was expecting. Really enjoyed Minoi and Alexander's Ragtime Band, managed to sneeze during the introduction of Stabat Mater. Oops. Afterwards was pretty funny.
Ms. Sutherland: "You've done really well, girls. What more can you want?"
Maybe a third of the choir: "FOOD!"

[Pokemon nerdiness]
I beat the Elite Four and Steven on Monday. X) And I hit the $999,999 mark this morning without really noticing, so once I had noticed I went on a Secret Base shopping spree - ie. went to every furniture shop I could think of and bought one of everything. And I still had around $825,000. Oh dear. What am I going to do with all this money, honestly? (I am so never going to be able to say that in real life.) Anyway, next targets are the Regis (raising a Wailmer in the Daycare), all six paintings at the Lilycove Museum, and Pokedex. I've caught like ten Pokemon in the last three days, which is rather excellent as before I had twenty-nine in the 'dex. XD

Thinking about entering Marjory Nicholls [speech competition about someone who has made an impact on society], but not quite sure who to do. Ye olde form class suggests pisstake speeches eg. someone in the class or myself, and it's actually kind of tempting. Also thinking about nominating myself for Contribution to Culture in the school, unfortunately I can only think of about three things I can write down that are schoolish (I suppose if I do Marj Nicholls that's another one).

Oh, and I got ball shoes in the weekend! This is hugely exciting considering how much Mom and I had been disagreeing over shoes, but what might be more exciting is that I don't have to poke extra holes in the anklestraps. :D Have my ankles gotten fatter or are dance shoes just made for wider ankles?

math, fandom: digicross, pokemon, life: performances, mad skillz: awards, school: year 13, shoes, extracurric: choir, school: event: year 12 ball, life: shopping, fandom: digimon

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