Sophie, on
Johanna's very solid salad dressing.
Tonight was my birthday dinner at Denny's, at which Johanna was disparaging about the food and bashed me up a bit* (the two are unrelated),
Nicola made several inappropriate references to Mr. Costilinis (not Cormack. My bad.) (many in front of my eight-year-old sister), and Sophie was generally horrified. Many photos were taken! Most of which can be seen
here if you're feeling particularly motivated, but I'll put a few here anyway.
* The first time Johanna hit me was a WHACK in the arm after I tried to confiscate her book again, which hurt a lot. The second time was when she shoved me arse-first into a sink, not in a good way either.
Other assorted randomness:
-> Johanna's very solid salad dressing
-> a stray remark on Indonesian food turning into a geographical debate and attempts at making an imaginary globe
-> many attempts at MySpace photos, most of which went horribly wrong
-> I ate the fastest. What the.
-> a crayfish in a (gardening) pot by Nicola's front door
-> our great plan to leave stalkerish notes in
Chris's mailbox fell over and died
Present haul from this little venture consisted of apologies from Sophie, a Narnia parody from Johanna, and various chocolate, a burnt CD, and a strawberry-shaped pocket watch (XD) from Nicola. Thanks, all.
Not a bad night overall :)
Johanna's attempts at avoiding the camera.
Nix and I are posers.
But Nix is a bigger poser than me.
In non-birthday news, the Gold chacha was all scary but I like it and I can do it apart from the ronde bit. And before the dinner I went shopping and bought skinny jeans (HA, CHRIS, YOU FAILED) and a silky floppy top thing that's trying to be Japanese.