...is the perfect opportunity to consider applying for more things to spend half my life rushing to:
A) a weekdaily cleaning job at Parsons Book and Music Store on Lambton Quay? (I am desperate for a job. It'll be something to do, and something to do for money. I keep wondering if I'd be less bitter if I had a job. No, I'm probably just a bitter person.)
B) a once-a-week six week leadership training course? (Good opportunity. Could possibly make me Something 1337 in School material. Could look good on a CV.)
And then something else that doesn't really require rushing as such but does require work soon:
C) being part of the
Youth Press Gallery at Youth Parliament? (Re: B. Also, would help me decide whether or not I actually want to do journalism.)
I think maybe I'm just tired of either i) rushing to and from everything, or ii) the calm between the rushing when I think too much. Maybe both? So I don't think any of A-C would help me much in this.
And on a completely random note, what should I do for my birthday party? I kind of want to do something a bit out of the ordinary, something we wouldn't randomly do for the hell of it anyway. (I'm looking at theatre but I can't seem to find anything interesting-looking playing on the 24th...)
This week we've been doing the first third of a Media internal. Reviewing Campbell Live to an Year 12 + teacher audience, whoopdedo. Naturally I took the sarcastic angle. We had to turn it in typed up, so naturally I finished in the second of the three periods we had to do it, and Ms. Rigby looked at it and had no advice for me and thought it was great and laughed out loud, mwahahaha. So I spent today's publishing period fully bumming around online. Actually that's a lie, I spent about half the time Google Newsing depression and suicide as something to possibly write about for C.
EDIT: And now my brain throws up that age-old argument:
D) moving out and paying my way through uni/a student loan? Instead of taking the financially easy way through and staying at home so Dad'll pay my fees.
I hate thinking about this kind of thing. I don't feel ready. I'm not even sixteen yet, I don't see why Year 12s have to think about it. And I keep kicking myself over not doing math/science as well.
This is possibly a sign I need to go to bed and stop whinging/panicking.