But first, a random complaint: I have nothing against Valentine's Day. Hell, I love Valentine's Day. And I love a good stock icon. But all the Valentine's Day icons popping up on my friends page are driving me insane. Actually, I think it's just holiday icons in general. Though that may also be because the Christmas icons inevitably have snow half the time.
Anyway! I love Year 12, I love my subjects, I love no math. (Though I do not love the staring Mary's girl this morning who got very pissed off at me when I said hi to her and pointed out that she was staring, nor the random junior who asked me, Talia, and Essen if we were Year 9s.) I love how a third of the people I know are complaining about already having homework whereas the most I have to do is write a letter, and the rest of it is bring this, bring that, get this signed.
Had Photography first. Ms. Sid...something I can't spell or pronounce, she said Ms. Sid was fine. Very quiet class, I finally got a laugh out of them saying I took photography because [insert typical "I like taking photos" answer here"] and I didn't wanna do math. The course outline seemed particularly pretentious to me, but I think I'm just having fun with that word today. After the intro stuff, we had a look at previous years' work - it's all black and white this year - and were told to start thinking about subjects now. (First unit's plants, second is "documentation" of a person or event or place or whatever, third is folio. I kinda wanna do a behind-the-scenes of HSM, but we're only going to be at the Opera House three weeks and it might be too stressful.) Then we looked for photos we liked in the photography books. There were so many. :D
Then twas Music. W00t for two arts subjects first thing Monday! We have Ms. Watson this year, and I have already managed to A) amuse her ("oh damn, our compositions have to be 'effective' this year!") and B) confuse her ("can I do Level One and Level Two performance? with voice for Level One and piano for Level Two?"). Our class has a grand total of eleven people, with only eight from our class last year, one person doing Music for the first time since Year 9, and two n00bs. The thing about Ms. Watson is that she's also a German teacher, and today we had music in her German room, so halfway through we had the other German teacher come in with a German person saying "hi guys, want to hear a real German person speak German?" before realizing we were, in fact, music.
I accidentally harrassed some well-meaning Year 13s at interval, before going off to Media Studies. My teacher there, whose name I have already managed to forget, is American and very enthusiastic and talks fast and actually, is probably what I'd be like if I ever became a teacher. :| Introductions were fun for once, we did it all interview-style. Emily seemed particularly interested in the whole having-a-girlfriend thing, but then most people's "stories" were along the lines of "x went to A, B, and C in the holidays and had a good time" so she just quickly glossed over the girlfriend thing.
Off to Psychology with Mrs. Griffith. Huge class, and then we got Rhoslyn chucked in halfway through. Another pretentious course outline! :D We spent most of the period going through that, and trying to drill the five somethings-or-other into our heads already (you can see it didn't work particularly well in my case, though I think I can remember what some of them actually were - behaviorism, cognitive, biological...? what was it?), before getting to know each other by way of learning our neighbors' options. I got
Kathryn, whose options were very easy to remember - math and all three sciences.
English after lunch, with Ms. Pidduck (I learned how to spell it XD), my form teacher. We are starting off with a film, The Crucible. Which I am rather bitter about because other classes are doing Moulin Rouge!, but then she got us into the history of "witch" persecution and that was interesting.
Latin last! And because cake is usually on the day when we have Latin last, we are going to have cake on Monday afternoons. :D OMG I LOVE MONDAYS. Arts first, cake last! Went through course outlines bladibla, though it took a bit longer cos the Year 13 outline is obviously slightly different from ours, and then we wrote little notes to Mrs. Mackenzie about what we liked/were good at last year, what we'd like to go over (me: "I seem to be good at remembering how something works and where you use it, but not what it actually is."), and what helps us learn things (me, Amanda, and Laura: "sitting next to Genevieve." half of Year 11: "lollies."). Lastly, we got into groups with the Year 13s to do these little quiz things of famous Latin phrases that we'd, you know, never heard of except maybe three. The embarrassing part was I recognized "o tempora, o mores!" from freaking Shoebox and couldn't remember who actually said it! :|
In other news, I'm kind of annoyed at the school e-mail system, which wouldn't let me log in through the holidays and thus some of the e-mails I have now are stuff I wish I could have gotten earlier and thought about in the holidays. :( oh, and I've already managed to leave my jersey somewhere. xD