Professionalism has destroyed the Olympic ideals

May 24, 2006 19:36

Mary's won and took all the best speakers (Jess. Me: "What about second and third??" Anne and Johanna. T_T). It was sad. BUT! On the upside, Johanna and Jess came up to our table rather ominously afterward, glared at me a bit, then declared my speech unrebuttable. This would be true, judging from the fact that the only comments on my speech were Johanna (Mary's third) resorting to the desperate measure of ranting on about David Beckham throwing a party before realizing aloud it was a complete and utter tangent, and the adjudicator (what was her name?) saying I made a very strong case. Yay me.

I drank so much water it was actually slightly stupid. You know how they leave water on the tables at debates? I drank my glass. Then drank Sophie's. Then halfway through Jess' speech gestured at the chairperson to pass the pitcher and had two more glasses. Then started the post-debate conversation with "Johanna, can I have your water?" but it had been drunk sobs. Then later on the post-adjudication conversation was started with Aysser going "Caryl, have you had enough water?" I'm paying for it now. :P

Amazing debate though. Aysser, pre-debate, to Ms. McKelvey: "This is going to be interesting; half of your team gets on really well with half of my team..."

I really hate negating though. We just completely suck at rebuttal and the negating team's job is rebuttal. Ngah.

Will stop going on about debating here before I say something stupid/repetitive.

I have been a magnet for free CDs lately. Yesterday I got my SIGNED!! copy of Ashley Cooper's I Want You which I didn't win off Idolblog but Brendan DID and gave to me :O and today I got my Play It Strange CDs, yay.

Performance next week ._.

friends: johanna, tech: cds, school: music, extracurric: debating

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