...when I have ten paid days left XD
I am seriously considering coaching Year 9 debaters. After all Emily coached me when I was in Year 9 and she hasn't turned out too badly a Year 13 and I haven't turned out too badly a debater. Main issues with this are my mild terror of coaching as a concept, not wanting to do it alone (
Sophie? pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?), and being really farking busy. Observe my extracurricular schedule:
Monday lunch: Tech Angels/debate meetings sometimes
Tuesday morning: Choir practice
(Tuesday arvo: Singing lesson next term quite probably)
Tuesday evening: Rangers
Wednesday arvo/evening: Debates probably (by arrangement with other team)
Thursday lunch: Choir practice
Thursday arvo: Singing lesson (quite probably moving to Tuesday next term as stated)
(Thursday evening: Dance lesson next term quite probably.
Friday lunch: Badminton training (for next few weeks)
Friday arvo/evening: Dance lesson this term, badminton next term definitely
If I do decide to coach turds I'll probably quit Tech Angels. Not that I've been to a meeting yet and will be overly upset about this. But yeah. I really do want to coach.
Famine tomorrow, you know you want to sponsor me. I'm really not looking forward to it, even though I've set up a whole BUNCH of stuff for me to do while I am computerless - fix music folder (it fell to pieces yesterday), write, BIRTHDAY PARTY, YAY. Also tomorrow is science mock, EEK.
You know I think my accent is going slightly Kiwi? I said "after" today, like with the more ar-like ah rather than the ah in apple. And it was such a dumb sentence to use Kiwi-style "after" in too: "It's a small world aarhfter all..." I've also started saying "Aunt" actually kind of using the U, not "ant" like American-style Aunt. Very odd.
Johanna got me a French for Beginners book :D also she lent me her Stereophonics CDs and they are hawwwwwwwwwwwtt.