All's Fair in Love and Wrestling

Feb 11, 2006 23:15

Yus. Got dragged to Tito Jovic's today, and because going on the computer with no Internet access is downright lonely, I resorted to playing WWE Smackdown with the boys.

Oh, for future reference, a cast list of said Fili boys, simply because I always seem to end up with them at parties because the other options are lonering (which is lonely) or being with the little girls which would drive me INSANE:
Josh - thirteen almost fourteen, Year 10 at St. Pat's. Just got to NZ in like late December or January or something, so is still confused by Kiwi boys' uniform styles (go the shorts with kneesocks *snigger*) and wearing short shorts for PE. As is new, hasn't taken the stream test yet. Seems to have badass friends who always land in detention. Very sweet, rather a gentleman - offered to not play one four-player match (there was five of us since I gatecrashed) so I could play. Slightly obsessed with the Pat's haka, keeps randomly yelling out lines from it while doing particularly well in Smackdown ("KO PAKA!" or whatever it is).
Iggi - actually Rodrigo. HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT, I KNOW A RODRIGO!! Just turned thirteen, Pat's turd awwwwww. Doesn't know what stream he's in "but all my classmates are dumb." Has a thing for making up chants to randomly say on the bus and quite a cheesy rhymer.
Louis - turned ten in January. Goes to Sacred Heart. Immature little git, real tendency for hysterical giggling. Keeps trying to play Smackdown and Tony Hawk's Underground for me (duh hello, if I don't play myself then how the hell am I gonna get any better?). Long hair, like I seriously think it's longer than mine.
Raphael - but we all call him Raf cos we're lazy buggers. Eight, nine? Short. Still at St. T's. Has three sisters here in NZ and a brother and another sister in the Philippines or something. Nosy when bored, kept sitting by me asking what I was doing when I was lonering on the laptop before Josh and Iggi got here.

Yus. So now you know who I hang out with when I am dragged away from home. So we played Smackdown, and I suck really hard at it, like hardcore suckage. However, despite being a Smackdown virgin (pretty much - I'd played a bit last night at Iggi's birthday "party", in between nosing through the Pat's diary), I actually managed to win once during Ladder, ROFL.

I've always avoided Smackdown in the past cos wrestling =/= my thing. However, boredom overtook me, and let's face it, I hardly ever get to hang out with guys even if they are all younger than me so I took the opportunity. I hated the controls, it seemed I could only really do anything with X, and I kept forgetting that the analog sticks didn't work, and I got given the munted controller so R2 didn't work for Reversals. And I was slightly annoyed by how most of the loading screens had busty wrestling girls on them, though I managed to entertain myself by playing Hot or Not at the photos (Josh and I eventually agreed on one girl: "Yeah, she's hot. Oh, except the hair.").

I was also rather bothered by how there was a multiplayer game mode called Fulfill Your Fantasies, in which you play scantily clad girls having a pillowfight and trying to rip each other's clothes off. So I'm told, anyway, we didn't actually play it cos I was like *wrinkles nose* (though I wouldn't have minded playing if just to see what it's like and also because by then I was sick of playing boys), Louis and Raf are too young to...appreciate it, and Josh is too bloody chivalrous. But then, this is a guys' game and I'm a bit of a freak for playing it.

So final verdict on wrestling games: Not all that bad. Actually rather entertaining. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em (and try to be on Josh's team cos the boy's got a bit of a mind for tactics).

I have the vague feeling I should crosspost this to girl_gamers but I can't be bothered.

Oh, something else annoying: The way younger boys (like six, sevenish) kept clambering all over and on and off the bed while I was stretched across it, so they kept using me as part of their means to get on and off. Hello? NO ONE handles my arse without permission, even if you are seven years old. =@

On the upside, being dragged to Tita Anna and Chris' is now not so bad because Chris finally worked out how to let me onto their wireless network. SHOT.

I am so tragically addicted to A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Disney's Circle of Stars, all thanks to my Chris (as opposed to Tita Anna's much younger than she is partner). I actually played it on repeat for like two hours this morning and nearly got in trouble when I tried to take the laptop into the laundry to play it (there is really no place to put the laptop in the laundry).

fandom: disney, life: music, fili, the boys

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