Oi, Chris, are you doing anything Friday?

Jan 04, 2006 20:17

^ subject line because he doesn't check his e-mail


Because I'm absolutely lovely, I've gone and let Chris into my icon journal, spiritevolution. This of course led to a makeover of the userinfo, a sudden affiliation spree, reorganization of the tagging system, and should have led to a header makeover but I can't figure out how to put headers on S2 layouts! Observe the pretty banner that matches the userinfo. I just have no idea how to put it up there because S2 frightens me, but I must use it if we are to use tags. *weeps*

What I forgot to mention at whatever ludicrous time of night I posted on New Year's is that Dad went and got me, Johanna, and Raeann CDs (well I think Raeann might have gotten a DVD, I'm not sure) as random New Year presents and out of Random Parental Generosity (ah gotta love it). Johanna got Missy Higgins - The Sound of White (which she of course proceeded to leave on my bed, it is sitting by Sabriel, Lirael, and No Doubt looking lonely) and I got Michelle Branch - The Spirit Room OMG FINALLY! :D I HAVE LVOED THIS ALBUM EVER SINCE I LOOKED PITIFUL AT THE LIBRARY AND SAID I'D PAY FOR IT LATER (aka I am Cheap and Have Had it on the Harddrive for Months on End but Never Had the Money to Go and Buy it). I had the house to myself on Monday so I had the album on shuffle ridiculously loud while I was in the shower and well, okay, I spent the entire album in the shower, so like 45ish minutes. God, it's a good thing we have practically unlimited hot water. *feels like a rich bitch saying that* Honestly I think The Spirit Room is just about my favorite album EVAH (I also like her Hotel Paper but not as much as this one), I put it on and practically every song there's at least one line that I'm like [omg I relate!] over, and I can sing along with the entire thing coz the songs aren't ridiculously high. :D

My mother is watching the Michael Ball DVD she borrowed off some poor unsuspecting sod (well, I think she borrowed it, maybe that was her random New Year present) and Michael is covering a whole bunch of random songs and making them BORING. :( He was doing Millenium while I was doing the dishes and I was like "He's making it boring! This is a great song and he's making it BORING!"

Haven't really been up to much lately (although by the end of December I got these $20 cargo pants from Just Jeans and they are hott, I've been wearing them CONSTANTLY because they have like a kazillion pockets and I can't be bothered ironing my jeans or three-quarters-which-aren't-three-quarters-on-me, the only thing is they are rather too long for me). Had to tidy my room last weekend, so I of course spent most of the time labelling things instead. :D I have now named most of my electronics (as well as the piano and the network router), and all the cords are nicely labelled so that the contents of my electronics bag now rather resemble Caryl's Stuff for Dumbies, and practically all of my PS2 components have a "Caryl [surname], [address]" label on them in case of the unlikely event I lose them (or the more likely event I get them mixed up with someone else's PS2 stuff), hahahahaha. On the upside, it is now a lot easier trying to sort out what I can unplug when I am trying to to plug things into my poor abused powerboard. :D

I feel like going out and performing again?

Mum was a bit late on the Christmas cards this year so Dad had me PhotoShop a family photo with text on, but of course I had to go make it preeeeeeeeeetty and shiny, and my parents had been going "ARGH!" about my very visible rather graying bra straps in the photo (they made me wear my halterneck dress because it is apparently "nice") so I airbrushed out the bra straps. :D And once they'd seen what I'd done with the bra straps, Dad wanted me to airbrush out his zit (lol) and Mum wanted her bags gone, haha, so now I have to do the airbrushing thing again for the family photo to replace the one on the wall from when I was like EIGHT. This time I am going to try and at least color the curtains in the background all pretty and cloudy like those cheesey backgrounds you always have with professional photos, heheheheh. I am now considering airbrushing as a career. :P On the downside, I'd help contribute to teenage girls' insecurity, on the upside, money...

I just realized that I never posted about the tramp, so shall quickly ramble on a bit. The actual walking bit was annoying coz like it was hilly and there were detours and you know the bush, it all looks the same, but at least it wasn't raining. And the place by the hut was nice, there was a river, and you know what us Fili kids do when there's a river near by, we just HAVE to dam it. We do it every time we're at Rivendell, we did it in the Rimutakas.

Caryl: "Ooh! Ooh! Name it after me!"
Alex/Nicky: "Caryl Dam. Nah, that sounds dumb."
Caryl: "Nooooooooo! Dam Caryl!" (go on, say it aloud, you know you want to)
Alex/Nicky: ...*CRACK UP* "OKAY!!"

And so, Dam Caryl was born. It is a truly beautiful dam, you can use it if a bridge if you need to cross (like a meter of) the river and not get your feet wet. I declared it the start of my Empire (I'm taking over the world some day, possibly). And once the kids (I have perfect license to use this tag, I was the second oldest there) heard about this, they all started claiming cities/states/countries and positions, and the nearest large logthing was declared my throne. I like it. Very naturesy. :)

After Dam Caryl, they started Dam Chris a bit down the river where the river was wider, but with time constraints (we left), it was not finished.

A couple more random points of amusement before the photos...

Kirby (who is a guy by the way) and Tish, looking through the photos on Caryl's Palm Pilot, get to discussing the latest Harry Potter movie.
Kirby: "Fleur was hot."
Caryl: "Yeah, I--"

Kirby and Tish are discussing a couple of people who were making out on Year 8 Camp.
Alex [not part of this conversation]: "Who was making out?"
Kirby and Tish don't want to answer this question.
Caryl: "Me and Nicanor [Kirby]."
Tish: [gesturing at a tree] "Right there."
Alex gives up this pursuit of gossip in disgust.

Left to right: Kirby and Alex constructing Dam Caryl. Oh, and that's Tish's feet in Kisa's tsinelas. Jandals, sorry. (FYI, tsinelas = slippers.)

Left to right: Alex, Kirby, me in my hott tramping gear (good old Hallensteins and the truly ridiculous amount of stuff hanging round my neck), Tish hiding behind Nicky. The grand opening of Dam Caryl! We didn't have a ribbon so we had to use a stick. We didn't have scissors so we had to use my Swiss Army Knife, which took ages. But at least it was amusing. Photo taken by Kite, Kirby's brother.

Dam Caryl in all its glory. See, there are steps on the high bank!

Princess Nicky, Imperial Dam Builder and I on my throne. :D

Me and Kirby, my self-proclaimed bodyguard/right-hand man. Considering Kite had the right-hand man claim down first and Kirby's standing on the left, I think he missed out there.

For a tramping photo, I thought this was pretty cute.

The beginning of Dam Chris. I know that is definitely Kirby on the left edge, but I'm not sure about on the other bank, I think it might be Kyra.

Omigosh you know what Wicked is actually still on at Broadway only because I'm an idiot I was only checking the tour site so IF WE GO TO NEW YORK THIS YEAR I HOPE WE CAN GO OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME. [/gratuitous Wicked spam]

So then. :) How are we all?

*2006, life: music, fili, tramping, new year's, photoshop, photos

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