Expectation Creep and the New Childlessness

Mar 20, 2024 13:00

In the old days, childlessness (a couple who want children but aren't able to have them) was usually the result of fertility issues. One or both partners had medical issues that prevented them from having children.

Now we have a significant number of couples who really want children, have no medical obstacles to doing so, but some can't afford to have children.

Part of the problem is the ever-growing cost of what it takes to raise a child to adulthood. Even when I was growing up, nourishing food, appropriate clothing and adequate shelter were sufficient. But now middle-class parents are expected to provide more and more to not be viewed as neglectful. School-age children are expected to have access to a computer and Internet for doing homework or e-learning when they can't attend school physically. Children are expected to each have their own bedroom, requiring larger houses, and the mandates for child safety seats means needing ever-larger vehicles to take one's children places (and making sure that the seat goes along with the child if they need to be taken in a different vehicle than usual).

When what used to be extras are becoming baseline, even mandatory by law, is it surprising that more and more people find the very thought of having children overwhelming?


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