Wild Winter Weather

Feb 17, 2024 22:52

Just last week it had seemed that we were rapidly moving into an early spring. I'd even begun to think about getting a little yard work done -- although with everything else going on in my life, I wasn't sure where the time would come from.

And then everything changed, just like that. A couple of days ago, the temperature dropped rapidly and we got some pretty stiff winds. Then yesterday we had a snowstorm. Not just a little snow, but enough snow that the Indiana State Police and local police departments dealt with over a hundred slide-offs.

Today we had bitter cold to contend with -- and I had multiple errands that took me around town, including retrieving an uninterruptable power supply from the FedEx Office. At least this way it stayed warm overnight, instead of spending the night on an icy truck, so I was able to set it up within a couple of hours of bringing it in, instead of needing to let it warm up overnight.

Later this week, we're supposed to be back up in the 50's, maybe even all the way to 60. It's a good thing, since I need to work on merchandise and load the van for the first show of the 2024 convention season. But I can only hope that it will last, because I so do not want to have a repeat of last year's Hall of Heroes Comic Con, where we had to drive back from the hotel in a snowstorm on setup day. The van does not handle snowpacked roads well, especially when empty, and it took almost an hour for my arms to uncramp from clutching the steering wheel (and the next morning I had to dig us out just to get out of the parking lot so we could finish setup and be ready to sell when the doors opened).

But that's weather in the Midwest for you.

conventions, weather

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