So Much for Those Plans

May 07, 2022 23:15

Today I thought we were going to get the lawn mowing taken care of, and in the evening we'd be going to the monthly meeting of the local sf club. Except things didn't go quite as planned. First, we had some miscommunications with the new lawn mowing people, so that got delayed until tomorrow. And then I get a message on Facebook that the club meeting is next week. No explanation, but I'm wondering if some kind of emergency came up, either for one of the club officers or at the church that normally hosts the meetings, such that it simply wasn't possible to hold it this week.

So I ended up taking the van to the storage unit and unloading the merchandise. I still have a few store fixtures to unload, but I'm hoping to get those done in the next day or two. It looks like we should have dry weather for a while, so I'm hoping that I can get some work time at the storage unit, sorting through merchandise and getting it ready for our next event. And I really want to get the rest of the garden in, even if it means needing to water it by hand for a while until it gets properly established.

One good thing about this little reshuffle: I'll have all day tomorrow here at home to work on the various bookkeeping tasks that need doing, along with my writing challenges. Maybe I can finally knock some of those once-and-done to-dos off my list, instead of having them rolling over day after day.

house, business, fandom

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