Things are what you make of 'em.

Jan 10, 2005 15:08

My happy mood just had to get shot down for the afternoon. I was reading Katie's journal and I started feeling really bad. Am I really "the bad girl"? I don't want to be seen that way. I don't want to be the bad influence. I thought that you could be friends with whoever you wanted to and it didn't really matter that you were a junior and your friend was a freshman and all that jazz. I don't even feel like typing it all out. It's too much stuff that doesn't really matter anyway. And people talking about my friends pisses me off. Yeah I have my share of wild friends. And I also have some not so wild friends. I have all kinds of friends. And I guess I just sort of fit somewhere in between. Well I used to think that. Now I'm not so sure. I'm starting question lots of stuff. I don't want to lose anymore friends. I hate that more than anything. But it just feels like it keeps happening and happening over and over again. Eventually I'll be left with nobody but myself. And my mother. Won't that be grand? I've become little messanger girl for Lenee and Booth. Her parents won't allow her to see him or talk to him until they decide it's ok again. What the fuck? Anyway. Lenee is giving me notes to give to him and stuff like that. He likes her so much. It's all so depressing. I want somebody to like me. But I guess I'll have to stop being a bad girl before a decent boy will have anything to do with me. Growing up would be so much easier with someone holding my hand. Poop.
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