There are no flights at all in and out of the UK and most of Northern Europe at the moment - maybe some out of Scotland at 4am this morning, because the ash cloud has moved southwards.
British Rail have stopped all maintenance work on the Chunnel line so as to run 8 extra trains tomorrow just to get people home from the Continent from their Easter breaks, and the Channel Ferries are working their socks off and are fully booked.
This site: a Volcanic Ashes Layer)
would probably normally have just too much info on it to run on my little computer - but tonight - showing just three flights just now in Southern Europe, it ran just fine on Opera with the turbo charger on, and apparently also runs on Safari (Internet Explorer just isn't powerful enough).
Last time that volcano spewed out ash, back in the 1890's, it did so for 13 months! Just imagine what that would do to the economy if it happened again now!