I have officially convinced mother to buy me a tablet. I was talking to one of the rather snotty people in my Flash class who actually turned out to be very nice. She suggested that I get a tablet. I told her I was not very good at drawing by hand and she told me I should get one even if it is just to play around with. So I fowarded my mother a link to the first one best buy offered and she said it looked like a good idea to have one.
I offered to her to get me the tablet now and to get a scanner around christmas and she said that both would be good to have at school. Wow. I'm excited I have never used a tablet before so it will be pretty exciting to use and play around with. I realized that a lot of what I do and create is actually considered illustrating not so much vector art. So, illustrating as a hobby and graphic design as my job. it sounds pretty good to me!
I'm also making a mini shop on gaia that is just for illustrating things. Not avatars. I'm leaving for camp on the 15th so anything I really want to do either has to be before then or after then. I have to finish one of my t-shirt designs for vampirefreaks.com before I go. It is halfway finished so I should beable to finish it soon. I don't want to be submitting it after I get back, I would rather submit it now before I leave instead of doing it afterwards and losing track of what I was working on. Plus, when I get back after camp I will only want to see my friends not spend all day cooped up in my room designing t-shirts. Which is very ironic.
I am still looking for someone to teach me different techniques and things and possibly a livejournal community for this particular idea. Wish me luck!
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