Jul 12, 2010 23:01
- 09:16 I just updated my #Blogspot bit.ly/brXpcK #Photography #
- 10:05 I love @PauleyP she's a really awesome person! #
- 10:45 But I see a firefly floating in the summer sky like bright confetti burning in the night. #songlyrics #
- 10:51 The infection is spreading.. #
- 10:58 What's the matter Graverobber? Can't Get it up for a girl whose breathing? #SongLyrics #
- 11:19 This #MusicMonday i'm listening to a strange combination of Repo!The Genetic Opera soundtrack, The Cruxshadows, Emilie Autumn and OwlCity :) #
- 16:24 Godiva Chocolate is amazing. #
- 16:26 @ RenMushet I have to tell you, whenever you post it makes me smile :) #
- 17:05 I saw a liscense plate that said URH- 64Y #
- 21:14 My instant song for energy isn't working well... Oh wait there's the chorus..... Are we jumping Jumping #songlyrics #
- 22:07 I have been told to throw out all of my starburst wrappers. So. If anyone wants a starburst wrapper bracelet get your order in quick! #
- 22:11 @ HugNazi Sweety, I'll give you one for free. I rarely take money from anyone for anything. #
- 22:12 @ HugNazi Just tell me which starburst flavors and the size of your wrist or neck. #
- 22:16 @ HugNazi Okie Dokie ^_^ #
- 22:30 I found bit.ly/a6zGgh Which is a picture of @realaudreykitch she's awesome. #
- 22:34 What is this site!? Vi.sualize.us? is it worth joining? #
- 22:39 I love making things for people... I just don't have people to make things for. #
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