Oct 11, 2009 17:55
So I had a weekend of insulting. Annapolis was beautiful and fun as always. I just heard the ups and downs of how to loose weight in college. Because apparently I gained a lot and it didn't do much for my self esteem. I was basically told to live off of peanut butter and apples for the rest of my exsistance but I have a feeling that being vegetarian half the time isn't that bad of an idea either. However, I will not be stopped from being a crazy cook. Yes.
Also I was told that I have to make a website and advertise my designs and all this shit I've been avoiding mainly because I don't want my designs stolen you insensitive family! Ugh. So to make them happy I'm going to make myself a new email address that has webspace and work on a website as well. How obnoxious. I hate this I really do. I mean it makes sense but it's kinda demanding and that bothers me. I have to work on a website for a 501c3 anyway soo... And I'm getting paid once I'm done so I guess I'll work on that now.
Bye for now...