Jul 26, 2009 23:22
I got the living room cleaned today and maintained the rest of what I've been doing for the past few weeks. Only a few more projects that I have in mind and all that will be left is maintaining the cleanliness. I'll actually feel comfortable having people see my house again. Aside from really preferring to live in a clean house, part of the reason I've been doing all this cleaning is that I've stopped expecting any of the other four adults who live in this house to clean. Which is why I'm making them pay me. But I also know that people who see my house when it's a wreck don't judge the husband or the adult children. No, they judge me, the wife and mother. Can't say it's fair but it mostly true. [shrug] For the record, my husband does do dishes and sweep main traffic areas fairly often but I'm the only one who does bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming and really all the small details.
Once I was done and my husband was done with the lawn, we went for a swim. It was the first time I've been in my pool this summer. We decided to go out for ice cream afterward and when we got to our favorite ice cream place, Buttonwood Farms which is way out in the boonies, we found that we were there during their sunflower fest. They have four acres of sunflowers and they sell bouquets and charge for hay rides and t-shirts. All of this to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I got an ice cream cone with Graham Cracker ice cream (yummy) and Pat got Peanut Butter ice cream. Then he bought me a bouquet of sunflowers.
Me: OMG! You've bought me TWO bouquets this week. (Dozen roses for our anniversary last Wednesday)
Pat: Hell, I bought you TWO bouquets this YEAR.
And at that, we both laughed. My husband, the so-not-romantic, does have his moments. Plus, he bought me donuts this morning and after we got ice cream we went to Target and he bought me a car seat so I wouldn't always have to use his car when I wanted to take Karlie somewhere. Nice day, all in all.