Jan 12, 2005 03:10
Oh man oh man oh man, I am so excited I could shit myself. I don't know why, it isn't that big of a deal, but two days ago I turned in an application at the Starbucks across the street from Carl’s jr. And Today (err.. well really yesterday technically) The manager, Kate, calls Monica's house when I was there to ask if she can fill in for a shift over there on Friday. Then Monica mentions that her friend (me) filled out an application and tells her that I am here. The manager lady said that she tried to catch us the day before on our way out when Monica was picking up her tips, but she missed us, so she asks if I can come in and do an interview today before 4pm. SO I go home and take a shower and get changed and all that jazz and head on over. I have never done like a real interview because when I got my job at Carl’s jr the first time around it was because Geselle worked there and so I pretty much already had it. So I was nervous. I met the manager lady and she was really sweet. She is like a 20 something little curly red head. So we sat down at the chairs and did the interview, she asked some questions off a paper and I gave my best answers and she jotted some stuff down. I knew I answered them really well. Then we talk a little about my current job and she asked why I wanted to work for Starbucks. I told her that I want to work there so I have room for growth, and the benefits, but mainly because I want to work for a manager who is willing to work for me. Anyways, so it all went well and she was like, "well I don't normally give out jobs on the day of the interview, but I have a really good feeling about you and so I am gonna put the offer on the table. I want you to go home and think about it and call me Thursday and let me know if you want the job." Oh man, I was so happy it wasn't even funny, that was such a compliment and I feel so good that I came off the way I wanted to.
So I went to work at 4:30 and filled out my resignation paper. Whew that felt good. It feels good to have a little bit of power in your hands. I felt so tied down at Carl’s. My boss happened to call the store that night, and I told her I was going to be quitting because I needed to reduce my stress load for school and I got a new job. She was like "Well can't you at least stay until Lorna gets back from the Philippines?" and I was like "well I don't know, I'll think about it."
So I thought about it and I realized that my two weeks would be up exactly when school starts, and I decided that I don't want to be at Carl’s for the new semester, not even for a day, so I wrote her a note and told her no. Two weeks notice is fair enough. It gives her plenty of time to find another shift leader from another store or maybe she will just have to get off her fat ass and close herself, but I am drawing the line. Wow, I seriously feel like so free. Like I just cut the strings. I won't feel tied down and obligated to the store, if I get pissed of and stressed, I can just quit and walk away, something I couldn't do at Carl’s.
So I have two more weeks to bear with it. I am gonna call the manager lady on Thursday and see if during these two weeks I can at least do my training or something. So we'll see. YAY FOR ME!
Oh and I will be making $7.50/hr, with is $1.00 less than I make now, BUT they average $1.50 in tips/hr, so I will be making about the same as I do now, but with out all the stress and crap. Oh man I feel like a new woman. Now I can work less and keep my focus on school instead of work. I am gonna start my semester off right. This is going to be a good year I can just feel it. YAY for positive thinking!!!