Dec 04, 2008 19:30
How on earth did I go 8 months without updating? I have certainly had no lack of things to write about; perhaps I've lacked the desire to talk about them. But today I was inspired. Not to share any dark secret of my soul, thoughts, or recent life, but to describe the snowy, Christmasy day I've just had.
When I opened the front door to leave for work this morning, the snow on the balcony outside was pristine, and there I stood in my Anna Karenina chic -- long gray Victorian-styled gray coat, black furry Russian hat, gray wool scarf. No matter that I had jeans and cheap snowboots peeking out underneath and a hot pink purse over my shoulder. It hadn't been snowing for long, and when i brushed the snow off the car window with my sleeve, I saw that it was a soft, powdery snow. The drive to work wasn't as bad as it could have been, and I didn't have far to walk to get inside. Which is good -- the high today was 20 degrees. By the time I left work it was 13 with a wind chill of 9, I think. The snow outside my door this morning was a pretty sight, yes, but the snow in the parking lot tonight at work was even better. It was like someone had poured out a layer of glitterdust over the ground, in varying thickness, but allover sparkly and crisp. (It made me happy.) But, the sparkle soon lost emphasis as I prepared for the drive home. For those of you who have not driven in the snow, or driven after a day of snowfall, let me outline the preparations for you. I grabbed the brush/scraper combo thingy out of the car and turned it on to preheat. This always makes me nervous, that I'll accidently lock myself out with the car running. But anway... Then I brushed and scraped the snow and ice off the car windows as best I could, which again, could have been worse. Then, my favorite part, I had to bang and scrape to get the ice off of the headlights. Finally I was ready to drive away, and hear the untouched snow crunch under the tires. The drive home was fine, though I still drove cautiously. I thought of the wispy tails of snow dust that blow over the interstate under the cars, and the angel/devil procession of the white and red lights stretching to the horizon, and I listened to the Christmas music on the radio. Highlights: Happy Xmas (War Is Over), one of my favorites, and Santa Baby, the Eartha Kitt version. Such a sassy coquette of a song, I love it. After channel surfing a bit I found another song that got my attention: Flobots, Stand Up. It's the kind of song that, when you get to where you're going, you sit in the car and listen through to the end of the song. I like it.
And that's it. Someone had swept the stairs and walkways at the apartment, and my little Christmas tree outside my door still had little patches of snow on it. The lights are on on the Christmas tree inside by the window, and I'm slowly cleaning up the apartment so I can put out the rest of my decorations. I know it's not much of an update, but maybe this will get me back in the habit of posting more frequently.
Happy day!