(no subject)

Jul 17, 2008 01:28

1) Are you really ready for 100 questions?
not really, i'll probably give up half way through.

2) Was your last relationship a mistake?

4) Who did you last say i love you to?
my dad. but it was more of a, "good night, love you" type thing.

5) Do you regret it?

6) Have you ever been depressed?
only on weekdays and weekends. haha, funny.

7) Have a best friend?

8) Are you a boy or girl?

9) What is your relationship status?
single and indifferent about it.

10) How do you want to die?
i want to be trampled by a stampede of amanda's ex boyfriends.
oh MASH.

11) What did you last eat?

12)Do you bite your nails?
when i'm nervous.

13) Who was your last fight with?
no idea, but i feel like one is brewing with a certain passive agressive bossy someone.

14) Tom from MySpace is about to go to jail, what’s your first thought?
wow, i totally care about this matter!

15) Do you have an attitude?
it depends.

17) What is your real name?

18) Do you like reading?

19) Are you gonna get high later?

20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
hate? no.

21) Do you miss someone?

21) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
twirl. cutting spaghetti is for quitters.

22) Who is your best friend's uncle's cousin girlfriend's daughter's boyfriend?

23) Do you tan a lot?

24) Have any pets?
2 dogs and a stupid cat that i only like for entertainment value.

25) How exactly are you feeling?

26) Ever ate food in a car while someone or your self is driving?
indeed. i'm crazy like that.

30) Are Barbie & Ken bad influences on people?
being anti-genitalia is never a good thing.

31) Do you regret anything from your past?
too much.

33) Do you want to have kids?
not really. maybe one day.

34) Ever kissed somebody that name start with a n?
i don't think so...

35) Do you type fast?
i type faster than Jim Halpert.

36) Do you have piercings?
just my ears.

37) Want any more?
i've always wanted my lip done. maybe one day.

38) Can you spell well?

39)Do you miss anyone from you're past?
haha, you're. moron. um, yes, i do miss a few people.

40) What are you craving right now?
i'm craving the talent to make my own clothing....yeeeeah, i've been watching too much Project Runway.

50) What should you be doing?

53) Does somebody love you?
i hope not.

54) What is your favorite color?

57) Do you have trust issues?
oooh yes.

58) Where is your birthmark?
right arm.

59) Who's computer r u on now?
....what an unfortunate sentence. next question.

60) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

61) Are you secretly in love?
no. i haven't the slightest desire to be in love right now, secret or otherwise.

62)besides myspace wat is your fav site?
first off, Myspace can go fuck itself.
secondly, who wrote this survey? i want to destroy them and their english language botching ways.
last.fm is awesome. and of course, LiveJournal.

63) Have you ever watched the video leave britney alone?
ah, so that's what it's called. um, yes, i'm sure we've all watched that hot tranny mess.

64) Whats your last name?

65) Is it too personal now?

66)fav #?
3, but my favorite number to write is 9.

67) Should this survey stop?
probably. i can't bear to see anymore bastardization of the english language. but let's press on.

68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
probably when i was a kid.

69) Do you think your a good person?
yes and no.

70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Skeptical Megan remains skeptical.

71) Showers or baths
showers. the sporadic bath is pretty amazing though.

72) Last time you had a nice bubble bath?
months and months ago. i'm way overdue.

73)What is bothering you?
practically everything.

74) Have you ever done drugs?

75) Have you played the Wii?
i own one, sucka.

76) What do you think of george bush?
fuck him. fuck him harder for not giving me $600 because i'm too broke to qualify to receive free money. because that makes sense.

77) if you could be in a show which one would it be?
Arrested Development, just so i can hang out with Gob all day and be sprayed with lighter fluid.

78) who was the last person you talked to?

79) What are you listening to?
my fan.

80) Are you excited you're almost done with this survey?
i wonder how many more questions you can waste by asking about survey related matters.

81) Are you mean?
a little bit.

82) Can you keep white shoes clean?
i'm no Pam Beesly.

83) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal?
was it ever to begin with?

84) Do you believe in true love?
Skeptical Megan is still now scathingly skeptical.

85) Are you proud of the person you've become?
fuck no.

86) Do you wanna change?
YES. beer me a magic wand so i can change practically everything in my life!

87)Who was the last person to make you mad?
passive aggressive bossy types.

88) Do you like the outside?

89) Are you currently bored?
why else would i be doing this?

90) Do you want to get married?
not really. seeing my parents these days has convinced me that marriage just isn't worth it.

91) what did you last watch last night?
i don't know.

92) Are you hungry?
no. kind of thirsty though.

93) Do you have a bank account?
yes, but i really don't need one. it's not like i have outstanding amounts of money to keep track of.

94) What makes you happy?
imagination, art, books, music, friends.

95) Would you change your name?
yes. something unique. i hate Megan.

96) Ever been to Alaska?

97) What girl do you text the most?
i'd say it's all pretty equal.

98) Do you watch the news?
not really.

99) do you think anyone will repost this?
i don;t know.

100) Do you like subway?
it's ok.
way to end this survey with a bang.
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