It's Only Wednesday? Does that mean it's Hump Day?

Sep 22, 2004 08:59

Happy Hump Day! I can't wait until this weekend. Actually I'm not really sure what I'm even doing yet, but whatev. Tomorrow is NYC..long day long night. It will be fun I hope. I love Times Square! Not sure what's going on for Friday...Saturday I think we're going to head to the Big E. Not sure why but we have nothing else to do. :)

Anyone else completely disgusted by Britney Spears? People like her devalue the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is no honeymooon. It's no joke. It's work. It's real life. You can love someone with all your heart and's not enough. Britney is young and naive. I give this marriage 2 years. MAX.

Who am I to talk? 4 days ago my husband and I were bawling our eyes out, angry at each other, saying words that hurt...."Sometimes I just don't know if we're going to make it..." Words that I will never forget. I also remember other words though, "I promise, no matter what...we'll make this work. I'll never leave you.." Those are the words I hang on to. People can say stuff when they are hurt and angry that they wish they didn't. But sometimes, it's extremely theraputic to get it out on the table. Digest it, and learn from it. These past 6 months of being married have been the most wonderful, most learning, most stressful and happiest months of my life. It hasn't been easy. Each day we learn more and more about each other. Shit, we dated for 3 years before we got married. But it's different. It's so different.

I wouldn't trade it for the world.

And that's why when I see dumbasses like Britney Spears all marrying for like 55 hours I just want to beat her down. What a retard.

Last night, went and tried the bridesmaid dresses on for A's wedding next month. They are pretty. My shoes are comfy too. =)

I have to go to a meeting out of the office today. Not fun.

I'm going to try and write in this more. Makes me feel better. I always had this, but never really used it. Never really had time. Planning the wedding was crazy.

But I'm here.

And the Sox won last night, so it's going to be a good day!!!
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