my first posting

Jul 24, 2005 14:26

hey everybody!!! Ok I'm going to explain my reasoning for having an lj account.. One i still think that lj is the work of satan hahaha. Two I only have this so i can read other peoples stuff. Three don't even for a second think that im going to do what some of my friends do and actually put their inner most feelings on here...HAHAHAHAHAHA no mate!! As absolutly anyone can read this, theres no way in hell that im putting stuff in here i want kept shtum. sorry to dissapoint but that's the way it is. As you may have noticed, i really can't spell or punctuate.. sorry bout that but there you go. lol. I would also just like to say a MASSIVE sorry to aliye for last night and also to Andy. You all no wat for and also to kez for being snappy.
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