I was looking up info on how to care for my spider plant when I found this. It just seems really beautiful for some reason... My kindergarten teacher had spider plants hanging up in her classroom, and at the end of the year she gave each of her students a baby shoot to take home. My grandma also always has spider plants at her house. So maybe that is why I love them, because they represent security, love, and childhood to me.
Taken from
"The plant has fine abilities to create an unpretentious and friendly environment. This is not only because of the plant in it self but what we associate it with. The Spider plant is cheap, hard to kill and produces many shoots that very easily can grow into new plants. Because of that it has become the plant of the classroom, the laundrette, the alcoholic, the schoolteacher, the library and other similarities. It has come to represent a simple lifestyle. Its long thin pale green leaves enforce the impression of cheapness.
The Spider plant is often seen in plastic pots or in other sorts of containers suitable for a plant to grow in. In the context of these simple environments where the plant often is spotted makes the fact that someone bothers to take care of the plant very beautiful in some way. In many of these places it seems like the important thing about having a plant is not how it looks or what kind of plant it is, but rather just about having something green growing. It is something quite honest about that and it somehow reflects some very basic human needs.
A good thing about the Spider plant is that its regular production of shoots makes it easy for the plant to spread to person from person, from mother to daughter or from friend to friend."