Mar 20, 2007 23:26
I dreamt and dreamt of sleep all day today, and now I'm not all that tired.
I don't write enough about work. Part of it is that it's such a huge part of my day (and life, really) that it's the last thing I want to think or write about when I'm at home. And then there's the fact that because I teach special ed at a fairly upper middle class school, I worry that somehow, someway, someone would recognize my class or school or a student... and I'd get fired. This is the first school I've worked at where there's more of a likelihood that families have internet access.
But I doubt it'll ever happen. I can be vague with descriptors, most of my readers are not in Austin, and I could always make it friends-only.
I'll say that work is about to get a bit easier, as I'm getting my planning period back. Starting tomorrow I'll actually have some time to breath. At least until I get my new three year old sometime this week- three year olds are a handful. They're really too young to be in school, and if they're in my program at three, you can guarantee they probably speak very little (if at all) and follow NO directions. And oh, the crying. I can't believe how good I've gotten over the years in almost not hearing it anymore... but there are still the days when I want to run screaming myself.
I can't believe I'm still awake. This was not a good idea.
work schmerk