Title: Collect Happiness Shelf. lol Engrish
Circle: surftrip
Pairing: Spain x Romano
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Porn, there's a plot that I can't figure out from the pretty pictures, Romano has naked tomato-seizures, Babymano likes putting sheep on his toothbrush, the floor: the new bed, 10010% TOMATO, Romano has a penis too, tiny white censor lines induce incomprehension to understand what's happening, Spain doesn't feel like being paedo today.
Description: There's tomatoes and...Romano likes passing out naked and...stuff and...10010% tomato and...things and-- I have no idea. But sex is the solution. And maybe tomatoes.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! I come bearing a pre-Christmas gift in the form of Spain giving Romano a good rogering. Enjoy! =D
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my doujinshi tag. As always, enjoy! =D
Feel free to nick it, if anyone out there wants to translate.