Pictures from Pixiv, I ain't drawn them, etc etc.
Lol. Japanese
on the ball, as usual.
Oh this shit is getting srs.
I think the Japanese would jizz their pants en masse if the ref turned out to be Japanese. Ffff.
England you big gay.
Good things about this tournament in Hetalia fandom: Moar England/Germany (because the way that we're acting towards Germany right now- as in, like homosexual little fanboys with a crush that we convey with pretending to be all cool and nonchalant but still somehow manage to gush about how fucking big, and sexy, and good Germany is, and oh my God penalties, and THERE IS HONOUR IN LOSING TO THEM BUT WE'LL WIN, OF COURSE AHAHAHAHA NO WE'RE NOT FORCING THESE HOPEFUL GRINS IN A RATHER PITIFU WAY. WE'LL WIN. WE WILL. WE'regoingtolosesob WE'LL DO SO GREAT. YEAH. 1000000- NIL! -- is making me ship them in the stupidest way).
Plus it's nice to see England be England. Y'know. Our flag, our name... it's nice.
Bad things: America going through. This has somehow equated to 90000 artists, and fans taking this as a sign from the USUK Gods and DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH MOST OF ENGLAND WANTED THE USA TO LOSE? DO YOU? THIS IS A BIG, FUCKING DNW. Godfuckingdamn it, we should have won, bloody Green. sob.
right, over and out.