The Election 2010

Apr 15, 2010 23:02

Thus far, I am very, very pleased.

The party that I have supported for most of my life, even going as far as to speak on their behalf at my sixth form before I could even legally vote has been, for a long time, the third party in a two- party race. However, following recent scandals, they have come out the best of all the major parties.
As I've said before, the Lib Dems are now being called "the Kingmakers", because it's likely that national apathy will lead to a hung parliament, and any party that has the Lib Dems on side will gain the majority, and lead a coalition government.

Anyway, both the Tories, and Labour whinged at the Lib Dems being allowed to join the television debate tonight--

haha. No wonder.
They didn't think that they "belonged" there.

Fast forward to the end, and all of the news coming in shows that almost 50% of people think that Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats were the clear winners of the debate. His approval ratings have soared. And lmao. The Prime Minister spent half of the debate going "I AGREE WITH NICK. NONO. I AGREE WITH NICK."

I'm dead proud of them. I also think that the student vote will count for a huge portion of the Lib Dem vote, because it's no secret that educated, young people by and large vote Lib Dem, but with national apathy so high, I think that students, and former students can help to make a massive impact.

Don't forget to join the "We got Rage Against The Machine to (Christmas) #1, We Can Get The Lib Dems Into Office" group on facebook !!

And for the love of God, anyone living in the UK, above the age of 18 even looking at this post, please, for the love of this horrible little country, please vote Lib Dem!

[A few, short reasons why we like Lib Dems: They're leeeeeeeeft. Not quite socialist, but they kind of dig it. They're the most pro- European major party. They want us to join the Euro (not now, but when the economy's sorted out). They didn't come out looking like utter tossers in the expenses scandal. They're progressive. They want Proportional Representation instead of first- past- the- post. They want an elected House of Lords. They want to abolish university tuition fees. They want to follow a more Scandinavian model of social care. They were against the War in Iraq from the start. They predicted the recession before it started to happen. They advocate pan- European defence. Their MPs weren't all born in London, went to public school, and then to Eton, and are not the sons of "Lords". Their leader went to the College of Europe in Bruges (and has a son named "Antonio" (and Alberto, and Miguel-- oh yeah, his wife's kind of Spanish.) But come on. He has a half- Spanish son named Antonio. I mean, I loved the man before I knew that. Now I just think he's absofuckinglutely pro). Their leader is also bi- lingual in English, and Dutch, and he speaks German, Spanish, and French fluently. They don't give a shit about "the rich" vote. They don't think that the borders need to be shut down to keep all of those non- beautiful- Aryan people out. They think that Trident - our nuclear submarines- is a waste of money and will get rid of it.]

politics, the real world place, yay!, huff huff

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