B- baw

Mar 30, 2010 18:14

You know those people where nothing is ever good enough for them?
Yah, well I'm one of them.



I'm going



I mean, honest to God, I'm going to be prowling around the internet like a creep on the 7th July, no doubt, and I'll download it the moment that I see it, no doubt, and I'll listen, and make stupid noises over it, no doubt, and set my message tone to the most inappropriate- sounding noise that Romano ends up making, no doubt, but still...

The Boss Spain strips seemed like the only strips that would make a good episode, because they have the continuity factor. Sure, Spain doesn't really appear in any strips without Romano glued to his side, whining at him about something or other, as he smiles blissfully on, probably lost in some wonderful fantasy, or other, but they don't really fit in with any other strips enough to be featured in an episode.

I guess what I was really, really hoping for was Boss Spain animated, and April Fool's dramu CD'd.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not ungrateful. I'm so happy that Oyabun CD is coming out, because Spain has been my favourite character now for a long time, and I know that he's popular in JFen, and yes, I think that he's underrepresented in the series itself (like lmaowtf at Liechtenstein getting a MKC six months before he does.), but still. I'm supposing that this means that what, in my opinion, would have made the best animated strips, won't get animated after all.

NEVER MIND, rosenblut  made me feel better with the power of OPTIMISM!
;3; <3

[ed 2] LAL. There's already 6 pages of the new OYABUN CD tag on pixiv. Too much adorkable to handre.

And what's worse is that I was chomping on a Daim bar that my mom bought for me, before I noticed that it was by Kraft, and now it tastes like badness. /__\
/throws the rest away.
/tells mom that there's another thing that she's not allowed to buy any more.

bawwwwwwwwwwwww, romano is italian for sexy, spero is so cute i don't even, españa

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