Last night and today, upon finding it first on DA and then on Pixiv I have progressively fallen more and more in love with the affectionately titled "589" which is, simply put,
these guys (art by
this gorgeous person.)
It comes of Butz and Zidane staring off their own quests in Dissidia as friends who have a race to finish their quests for the lulz.
Squall stumbles across them, but is all, NO U! I DON'T NEED NO ONE BECAUSE I'M SQUALL /... /... /internal monologue.
But then Butz gives him a chocobo feather and is all LOL BFFS <3 <3 <3 <3
And then Squall goes off and internal monologues for a bit, and keeps on looking at this fucking feather and lamenting over friendship and all that jazz.
And then he goes to fight Ultimecia and Zidane comes bombing in to help him out.
Butz gets himself captured like an utter spacktard and Squall, making out with his precious, beloved feather decides to team up with Zidane to save the day.
And then Zidane gets himself into a right mess, and Cosmos is like LUL UR FRIENDS ARE SUPPORTING U, ZIDANE.
Cue Squall and Butz being like "omg we love you, homie. ; ;"
And then Zidane NO U's at Kuja who, as usual is all, I'M EVIL! ONLY I'M KINDA NOT BECAUSE ISLY, ZIDANE.
The end of Part 1 of Dissidia (I think anyway. God knows really... I can't read Japanese. I just sit and LOL over Akira Ishida!Kuja)
Conclusion: Squall overcomes EIIIIINSAMKEIIIIIT with the help of a psychotic blonde thief and a mimic with Soichiro Hoshi's gay voice, thus forming the most lolwut most ridiculous greatest ever buddy trio in history.
It really sounds like a fanfic.
In fact, Dissidia is all just gratuous fanservice.
Which... well I'm certainly not complaining about. It is the 20th anniversary title, after all.
But I ttly don't ship them together. I didn't play through a combined 100+ hours of VIII and IX to not eternally love Squall and Rinoa, and Zidane and Garnet.
... I wouldn't be able to listen to Eyes on Me, or Melodies of Life again. ;n;