(no subject)

Apr 22, 2007 11:35

Adam Demers passed away on Saturday morning from cancer. He was only 19 years and only got to sample college for about a month before becoming ill. He hardly ever called into work or was sick and all of a sudden was diagnosed with lukemia. He was the sweetest guy ever, always was upbeat and smiling and had the cutest dimples.  He fought it, was optimistic and I wish I could have visited him before he went. We would always try to take our breaks together at work and I would visit him at his register while pretending to "look" at the schedule, when really I just liked to see his smile. He was just so cute. And we never did get to party at state like we wanted, but I'm sure when I see him again, we will party for sure. I admire his optimism through all of his treatments and stared death in the face, but did not blame God for it. I know that he is in a better place, and we will see each other again. I will love and forever miss you, Adam. Thank you for being so wonderful.

Adam Demers
December 20, 1987 - April 21, 2007
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