a few icons i made in the past couple of days. actually, i just made the shakira ones, but i've had the bases sitting around for a bit.
some are kinda lame but oh well XP~ the ice cream images are from my own photos. huttah.
# list of things i may do icons of in the next week or so:
# monk (the TV series)
# kim possible
# azumanga daioh!
# jaci velásquez
# teenage mutant ninja turtles X3~
# better rainbow brite ones
# M*A*S*H
# an icon for next week's
oneringicontest challenge
# the one or two requests i got
sunset_winds! my email is being really mean. i don't know if you got back to me about your icon request, but if you did email me, i never got it. my email hasn't been working and it's been making life difficult! i'm working on fixing it right now. if you could leave the request as a comment, i'll be able to get to making your icon :\ i would've posted this in your LJ so i'd know you'd see it, but it's a friends-only commenting. hope ya see this >.o
whoo. time for bed real soon here.