estrella, rose, pyathia, bii [estrella's guardian]
drawn in opencanvas
estrella's the youngest, which is why she's so small. this still has a lot of work to be done~ i really dislike rose's dress; it needs to be completely re-done. pya's face looks completely off as well, especially the smile and, for some reason, the face just looks too wide and/or fat. i forgot estrella's wings (probably because everyone else forgets to draw them anyways) and there's no room for them. i've thought of a few things but nothing works. suggestions are appreciated.
overall, though, i really like it. i am going to make this come out good. i don't care if it takes me all summer.
estrella del alba is © copyright 2001-2004 maureen mccullough
pyathia is © copyright 2001-2004 carissa russell
rose de esperanza is © copyright 2002-2004 natasha grisez