even though i much prefer dom, billy and sean over lij, he makes such pretty icons that i just had to make a couple of bases. bases, because i can't think of any kind of text. besides, they are pretty this way.
concerning credit:
please credit me in your icon keywords if you use the plain base.
suzanami or
starshapedcandy. if you edit the base and then use it, you don't have to credit if you don't want to.
if you edit the base and then post in for viewing/usage, such as in an icon community, i would also like to be credited for the base in that case, too, if it's not too much trouble. :3
also, please comment if you're going to snag any. because i want you to. heck, credit even if you're not going to snag any ;D enjoy!!
posted in
lotricons and
1cons. have fun, kids.