May 16, 2004 15:01
so this morning my trusty alarm clock and i just couldn't agree on what time i should wake said i should get up at 4:45 but i begged to differ, saying i should get up at ummm 5:30, i had to be at clinicals at 6:00 i live 15 mins away.HA! so yeah i was hauling ass to work today and lo and behold when i'm getting ready to pull into the hospital BLUE LIGHTS BEHIND ME....YEAH I GOT PULLED!!!!!!!!!!! so crazy. i've never been pulled, so i had my license and registration ready and out just anticipating the officer to come up and ask for it, cause i mean i was only goin like 60 in a 35, i mean big he came up to the car and looked at my hospital badge and was like "you work at the hospital?" i said "yes sir, and i do appologize for speeding, i do realize i was" he was like "its ok, have a wonderful day!!!" wtf i was completely confused....but that was cool as hell that he did that for me!
i miss you:(