hbd daddy

Jan 10, 2013 21:33

Work, work, work, work. Yeah this week hasn't been super eventful. In terms of daily routine. It's funny walking into the branch every morning, not knowing what's going to be different. Hole in the ceiling one day disappears overnight. Walls materialize outta nowhere. Today, the whole front area smelled like fresh lumber. It would've been okay if I'd been in a forest. Somehow i just felt like I was inhaling construction debris. Bahaha. Drama drama. Sigh. So stupid. And huh...I don't know. Should I? T: "Why didn't you tell me?" Me: "I just found out...and then ran away on break to process it." Haha. We'll see.

Left for work early to stop by Sogo's. That was one expensive birthday cake. D: Well, I know it's my own damn fault for driving too fast. :[ That's another 18 months of driving slow and being paranoid of flashing lights then. Damnit. But yeah...not exactly the smoothest start to Thursday. And...Dr. House, I could totally use your intellect right about now. And shoot, maybe I wouldn't even mind being the butt of your sarcasm. If it gets me the answer, why not. =T

W2, what is taking you so long? My uncle said taxes would be complicated the next two years. I know I'm a procrastinator, so I wanna at least get all the materials I need before hunkering down and actually doing the work. Mrf. Man...already ten days into the new year. Time flies.

Hope Daddy liked the cake. :] I guess I'm the cake-buying person now. Mommy used to bake us each a cake on our birthdays. Delicious. Why do I have the feeling I'll end up crying myself to sleep that night? =/ It's been almost nine months, but so many things still remind me of her. Every time I think of something, it makes me freeze, and I have to distract myself to clear my mind so I don't go there. Sigh. I need to sleep. I haven't really been able to sleep well. Don't know why.
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