
Oct 18, 2003 10:50

Name = Cassi
Piercings = Just my ears
Tattoos = Nope
Height= 5' 6"
Shoe size = 9 1/2 - 10
Hair color = Brown with highlights
Siblings = Laura, Jennifer, and Danelle

|| Last... ||
Movie you rented = They
Movie you bought = LOTR 2
Song you listened to = Love me do ~ The beatles
Song that was stuck in your head = Big booty
Cd you bought = Yellow Submarine
Cd you listened to = Yellow Submarine
Person you've called = Mindy
Person that's called you = Mindy
Tv show you've watched = That 70's Show
Person you were thinking of = Wade
You have a crush on someone = Not telling...lol you all know anyways
You wish you could live somewhere else = I wish i lived in Costa Rica
You think about suicide = long time ago
You believe in online dating = no
Others find you attractive = I have no idea
You want more piercings = yep!!!
You like cleaning = no
You like roller coasters = love em
You write in cursive or print = print

|| For or Against... ||
Long distance relationships = For if it will work
Using someone = Against
Suicide = against
Killing people = Against
Teenage smoking = Really Against
Driving drunk = Against
Gay/lesbian relationships = For
Soap operas = against lol

|| Have You... ||
Ever cried over a girl= yeah
Ever cried over a boy = nope
Ever lied to someone = Yep
Ever been in a fist fight = yea
Ever been arrested = nope

|| What... ||
Shampoo do you use = Dove
Shoes do you wear = thongs and such
Are you scared of = CLOWNS!!!!

|| Number... ||
Of times I have been in love?= Once
Of times I have had my heart broken?= sadly enough none...
Of hearts I have broken?= 2 dangit
Of girls I have kissed?= 1
Of boys I have kissed?= 2
Of girls I've slept with?= lol like 5 baby!!! geez....
Of boys I've slept with?= one in the same bed...sex is over rated
Of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends?= too many to count
Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?= none i think
Of scars on my body?= countless
Of things in my past that I regret?= even more countless

|| Do You Think You Are... ||
Pretty - *shrugs* I guess
Funny - yeah
Hot - hee hee i dont know
Friendly - yesh
Amusing - yep
Ugly - sometimes
Loveable - i guess
Caring - yeah
Sweet - sure
Dorky - deffiently

|| Favourites ||
5 letter word: i dont know
actor/actress: Andy Dick / Nicole kidman
Candy: Pay day
Cartoon: Spider Man!!! WOOP WOOP!
Cereal: Peanut butter crunch or MArshmellow mateys!!! *ARRRR*
Chewing gum: Trident *wonders off into memories of grandpa*
Color(s): Green, Orange and Red, and Clear
Color nail polish: French nails
Day of week: friday and saturday
Least fave day: Monday and tuesday...wait woundlt it be every other one than my faves?
Flower: daisies
Jello flavor: orange
Jewelry: my doolphin ring from Mexico
Special skills/talents: umm i dont know
Summer/Winter: ummm fall...lol
Trampolines or swimming pools: ugh trampolines are EVIL!!!!! pools pf course

|| Person who last.. ||
Slept in your be: ummm....that crazy guy from alaska
Saw you cry: julie and mindy and my whole church
Made you cry: tim smith
You went to the movies with: mindy and julie and all them
Yelled at you: i dont remember
Sent you an email: matt

|| Have you ever.. ||
Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yes
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yep
Kept a secret from everyone: Yep
Cried during a movie: Yep
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: who? lol
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no
Been on stage: uh huh...and again tonight
Been to New York: no but i'bve flown over it on my way to germany..
Been to California: nope
Hawaii: nope
China: nope
Canada: nope
Europe: yes
Asia: no
South America: nope
Australia: nope
Wished you were the opposite sex: lol sometimes
What time is it now?:11:16 am
Apples or bananas?: bananas
Blue or red?: Blue
Walmart or target?:Target
Spring or Fall?:Fall
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: homework...but sleep sounds nice
What was the last meal you ate?: dinner last night pizz at that new place by east! Papagiorgios...i applied for a job lol
High school or college?: umm...niether..or after them..
Are you bored?: why do you think im doing this?
Last noise you heard?: a door close on my life.....
Last smell you sniffed?: pizza...lol
Last time you went out of state/province?: august 3rd

|| Friendship/Love ||
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no but id like to
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?:yes...2..one adopted and one my own
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: everything lol

|| Other Info ||
Criminal record?: nope
Do you speak any other languages?:i try at spanih and hongi fluently
Last book you read: Scarlet Letter, I know why the caged bird sings
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: Candles and drapes
Thing you dislike about yourself the most: not gonna tell
Worst feeling in the world: lonliness and depression
Who you love: evryone....
Who you miss: everyone

|| You ||
Nickname(s): Cassi, Congasongsongi, star, Tina, and cecelia
Initials: CGP
How old do you look?: some think im in college
How old do you act?: older than most my age
Glasses/Contacts: none
Braces: never!
Do you have any pets?:cows...chickens...a dog Roxy and a kitten Max
You get embarrassed:yes
What makes you happy?: no homework
What upsets you?: homework and parents

|| Finish the sentence: ||
I Love to...watch the stars and smile
I Miss...you
I Wish...i could understand my parental units
I Hope...everything will be ok
I'm Annoyed by...guys in general
I Am...who I am.
I Want to Be...in the army..lol
I Would Never...hurt you on purpose
I'd Rather...you go to hell if i dont like you (deanna)
I Am Tired of...everything..i want sleep
I Will Always be...there.

|| Have you ever.. ||
Thought you were going to die: in mindy's car that one time
Wanted to runaway: yes
Flunked a grade: nope
Skipped a grade: nope
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