Title: A Funny Old Life (2/3)
Starseeker32Characters: Ten/Donna friendship (some UST thrown in), the TARDIS
Rating: K+ or PG
Word Count: 1905
Warnings/Spoilers: Angsty coda to "Forest of the Dead"
Summary: The Doctor comforts Donna after returning from The Library.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, but I do own a TARDIS mug.
A/N: Get your tissues
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The TARDIS was right, it was time for the Doctor to help Donna, she always is there for him, instinctively knows what he needs. Now it was his turn, even if he was a little frightened of what her reaction might be.
Looks like they shared a dream, is that his dream or hers? He is a touch telepath, and his mind might not have all those safeguards when he sleeps. At least it's a pleasant dream of what might be...ginger hair and Converse!
As for the dream, I think it came from both of them.
He is a touch telepath, and his mind might not have all those safeguards when he sleeps.
That was my thought when I wrote it. Little ginger Time Tots on Gallifrey seemed like a nice dream to give them after the emotional ringer I put them through.
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They just have that kind of a relationship, they help each other out instinctively.
Treating her to a spa was a nice gesture, but not enough. He needed to be there to help her through. Running on some tour and leaving her alone was somewhat thoughtless, I think.
Like I said, a spa day is nice, especially since in your version, he did offer her comfort first, that would be decent as a follow up to relax and pamper her. Unfortunately, his wandering off led to some disastrous problems for him, and yet another situation where Donna needed to comfort him afterwards (another important scene left out by the writers). One has to think, though, what would have happened if he hadn't gone on that tour, what about all of those other people, and what about the warnings to shut down the place.
I don't even want to think about the terrible things that happened to Donna after that... too bad about Shan Shen, it all started out with them being really really cozy with each other, and everything went downhill after.
I like to think something happened between them to change their relationship at bit before Shan Shen. Before that trip went south, they looked like they were on a cutesy date. "Cozy" is right. (I can't be the only one who wanted the cliche "You've got something on your nose. Here let me get that for you" thing to happen with those foamy beverages.)
These two are just so RIGHT for each other!
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